Tag: JD Edwards World Homebuilders

Point Lisas Nitrogen Limited (PLNL) a leading manufacturer of gases, recently completed a migration from World A7.3 to E1 9.1. Explore the challenges and pitfalls of this project and understand the real migration from a business perspective.

Point Lisas Nitrogen Limited (PLNL) a leading manufacturer of gases, recently completed a migration from World A7.3 to E1 9.1. Explore the challenges and pitfalls of this project and understand the real migration from a business perspective.

Our first upgrade in 10 years, MSX International moving from A7.3 to A9.3 Presented by GSI Session ID 102430, presented at COLLABORATE 14   1st upgrade in over 10 years. Dealing with operating system

Our first upgrade in 10 years, MSX International moving from A7.3 to A9.3 Presented by GSI Session ID 102430, presented at COLLABORATE 14   1st upgrade in over 10 years. Dealing with operating system

Our first upgrade in 10 years, MSX International moving from A7.3 to A9.3 Presented by GSI Session ID 102430, presented at COLLABORATE 14   1st upgrade in over 10 years. Dealing with operating system