Tag: WebCenter

In this session, see how Medtronic’s iPad-based mobile content management system allows sales reps to quickly access the latest product videos, presentations, and PDFs on-the-go, while storing the information centrally and securely in Oracle WebCenter Content. By leveraging Fishbowl’s iOS Mobility Suite API, sales reps can access collateral from WebCenter within an easy-to-use iPad application.…

Oracle recently acquired Fatwire, a Web Experience Management product, and renamed it WebCenter Sites. What does this mean for existing Site Studio customers? In this talk, we will give you a run-down on the similarities, differences, and new features that are available. We will also give guidance on how to migrate, or have two systems…

Oracle WebCenter Content 10g functionality was effectively contained in one container - the Content Server. This fact alone made it easy to deploy, administer, and customize. However, for all of these easy capabilities, the product was somewhat lacking on the scalability and performance side. With Oracle WebCenter Content 11g, and the inclusion of Oracle Weblogic…

Oracle WebCenter Content 10g functionality was effectively contained in one container - the Content Server. This fact alone made it easy to deploy, administer, and customize. However, for all of these easy capabilities, the product was somewhat lacking on the scalability and performance side. With Oracle WebCenter Content 11g, and the inclusion of Oracle Weblogic…

Oracle WebCenter Content 10g functionality was effectively contained in one container - the Content Server. This fact alone made it easy to deploy, administer, and customize. However, for all of these easy capabilities, the product was somewhat lacking on the scalability and performance side. With Oracle WebCenter Content 11g, and the inclusion of Oracle Weblogic…

Oracle WebCenter Content 10g functionality was effectively contained in one container - the Content Server. This fact alone made it easy to deploy, administer, and customize. However, for all of these easy capabilities, the product was somewhat lacking on the scalability and performance side. With Oracle WebCenter Content 11g, and the inclusion of Oracle Weblogic…

Oracle WebCenter Content 10g functionality was effectively contained in one container - the Content Server. This fact alone made it easy to deploy, administer, and customize. However, for all of these easy capabilities, the product was somewhat lacking on the scalability and performance side. With Oracle WebCenter Content 11g, and the inclusion of Oracle Weblogic…

If you just bought Web Center or are looking to buy Web Center, but realized there are many separate products that make up Web Center, and your not sure what products you need for what your trying to do, look no further. This session will help you to understand the differences, similarities, and how you…

If you just bought Web Center or are looking to buy Web Center, but realized there are many separate products that make up Web Center, and your not sure what products you need for what your trying to do, look no further. This session will help you to understand the differences, similarities, and how you…

Want to know when your WebCenter Content system is having trouble? Before the trouble tickets start flooding in? Want to be warned of impending doom enough in advance to handle it before end users notice? Want to know how to monitor your new WebCenter Content deployment? Want to know what to monitor? Want to know…