Tag: WebCenter

If you just bought Web Center or are looking to buy Web Center, but realized there are many separate products that make up Web Center, and your not sure what products you need for what your trying to do, look no further. This session will help you to understand the differences, similarities, and how you…

WebCenter Portal is a powerful platform for building Enterprise Portals. Come to this session to learn the design and deployment best practices for achieving high performance and scalability in your Portal experience. Product experts will discuss design considerations, deployment do’s and don’ts, and tuning tips to achieve the published benchmarks for throughput, response time, and…

What's the right solution for your content management needs ? Oracle WebCenter Content or SharePoint or both. This presentation will try to provide an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of these two competing but compatable content management solutions while presenting a business strategy to use both of them at the same time. See how…

This session discusses and demonstrates the exciting new Oracle WebCenter Content Repository API for Java (JCR) adapter for Microsoft SharePoint. It shows how application developers can use this JCR-based adapter to easily integrate SharePoint content into Oracle WebCenter portals and consume it. It also discusses how to easily create, configure, and consume SharePoint content from…

This session discusses and demonstrates the exciting new Oracle WebCenter Content Repository API for Java (JCR) adapter for Microsoft SharePoint. It shows how application developers can use this JCR-based adapter to easily integrate SharePoint content into Oracle WebCenter portals and consume it. It also discusses how to easily create, configure, and consume SharePoint content from…

This session discusses and demonstrates the exciting new Oracle WebCenter Content Repository API for Java (JCR) adapter for Microsoft SharePoint. It shows how application developers can use this JCR-based adapter to easily integrate SharePoint content into Oracle WebCenter portals and consume it. It also discusses how to easily create, configure, and consume SharePoint content from…

Welcome to the personalization renaissance. Personalization has always been important for intranet and extranet sites, but now more than ever before, personalization is key to end-user engagements. Oracle WebCenter Personalization Server is a groundbreaking initiative from Oracle Boulder Labs. It brings the best of Web architectures and programming models to bear on the challenge of…

Welcome to the personalization renaissance. Personalization has always been important for intranet and extranet sites, but now more than ever before, personalization is key to end-user engagements. Oracle WebCenter Personalization Server is a groundbreaking initiative from Oracle Boulder Labs. It brings the best of Web architectures and programming models to bear on the challenge of…

This session discusses and demonstrates the exciting new Oracle WebCenter Content Repository API for Java (JCR) adapter for Microsoft SharePoint. It shows how application developers can use this JCR-based adapter to easily integrate SharePoint content into Oracle WebCenter portals and consume it. It also discusses how to easily create, configure, and consume SharePoint content from…

Outsourcing database infrastructure support currently features at the top of Gartner's hype cycle, on the Peak of Inflated Expectations. Up next is the Trough of Disillusionment. Skip the trough by learning from our experiences, good and bad, and fast-forward with us to the Plateau of Productivity. This presentation is focused on the typical mistakes organizations…