Tag: WebCenter

In this session, see how Medtronic’s iPad-based mobile content management system allows sales reps to quickly access the latest product videos, presentations, and PDFs on-the-go, while storing the information centrally and securely in Oracle WebCenter Content. By leveraging Fishbowl’s iOS Mobility Suite API, sales reps can access collateral from WebCenter within an easy-to-use iPad application.…

Mobile devices are rapidly becoming the primary way many people access the Web. Learn how to extend the reach of your WebCenter Portal solution beyond the desktop.  Techniques such as templating and adaptive rendering to build a single solution that targets multiple form factors, including phone, tablet, and desktop devices will be covered. You will…

Oracle recently acquired Fatwire, a Web Experience Management product, and renamed it WebCenter Sites. What does this mean for existing Site Studio customers? In this talk, we will give you a run-down on the similarities, differences, and new features that are available. We will also give guidance on how to migrate, or have two systems…

The WebCenter product line provides an excellent framework for developing applications, however, it can take a while to become familiar with and develop for. For example, if a customer wants to get off the ground fast with developing a content driven enterprise portal site they do not have many quick-start options. This session will cover…

Using WebCenter Portal, create a personal dashboard which is specific to user as well as user role. Provide access to all the enterprise content, user's connections and role-specific actions from the dashboard. You will be able to offer an unique experience to your end-users where they can have unified access to activities, notifications and enterprise…

Folios is perhaps the least understood, least used feature of WebCenter Content. Though its promises compound document management, users often find its interface too cumbersome and too complex to easily use for business processes. Yet it offers an ideal solution for businesses that have complex authoring needs involving multiple authors – each managing individual pieces…

My organization has just purchased Oracle WebCenter Content. This product suite is enterprise infrastructure and can be somewhat overwhelming. What do I do now? What is my first step? How do I get started? How do I make sure the decisions that I will be required to make are the best short-term and long-term decisions…

Organizations as well as users want to view information that is tailored to their anticipated needs. In this session, find out how Oracle WebCenter provides an extensible, scriptable engine that can leverage a variety of datasources and furnish personalization answers according to your business needs.

Learn what Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF) is and how it interacts with WebCenter Content. Find out how you can quickly develop applications using ADF and determine how ADF can best be used in your business to display content from WebCenter Content.

Oracle WebCenter Content 10g functionality was effectively contained in one container - the Content Server. This fact alone made it easy to deploy, administer, and customize. However, for all of these easy capabilities, the product was somewhat lacking on the scalability and performance side. With Oracle WebCenter Content 11g, and the inclusion of Oracle Weblogic…