Tag: WebCenter

This presentation describes how to prepare for and design a successful WebCenter Imaging implementation.  It discusses a proven process that multiple organizations have used to create flexible requirements via a matrix rather than via the traditional methodology.  The goal is to save both time and money by clarifying what the client organization needs and offering…

This presentation describes how to prepare for and design a successful WebCenter Imaging implementation.  It discusses a proven process that multiple organizations have used to create flexible requirements via a matrix rather than via the traditional methodology.  The goal is to save both time and money by clarifying what the client organization needs and offering…

Present and discuss content migration strategies, tools and techniques. Considering large-scale content migration from legacy content management systems, email, and shared drives. Whitepaper PowerPoint

Present and discuss content migration strategies, tools and techniques. Considering large-scale content migration from legacy content management systems, email, and shared drives. Whitepaper PowerPoint

Content has historically been migrated by leveraging existing database data to generate an Excel, CSV, or text file, and then transforming that file into a batchloader file. Join this session for a new approach that might eliminate the need for the intermediate file manipulation. We’ll walk through some code and provide a demonstration.

This session addresses integration benefits between PeopleSoft and WebCenter Content:Imaging. WebCenterContent: Imaging is already pre-integrated with PeopleSoft Financials to alleviate the burden of processing high-volume paper based processes , such as invoice processing. We will explain the way to achieve optimal ROI using a combination of out-of-the-box features and customizations. We will cover when you…

This session addresses integration benefits between PeopleSoft and WebCenter Content:Imaging. WebCenterContent: Imaging is already pre-integrated with PeopleSoft Financials to alleviate the burden of processing high-volume paper based processes , such as invoice processing. We will explain the way to achieve optimal ROI using a combination of out-of-the-box features and customizations. We will cover when you…

While organizations build ever more complex, capable, and governed data systems, they continue to add “uncontrolled” unstructured content to shared drives and silo repositories. This content becomes “dark” over time and adds little or no long term value. An effective Information Governance program will enable you to understand and react appropriately to this 80% of…

While organizations build ever more complex, capable, and governed data systems, they continue to add “uncontrolled” unstructured content to shared drives and silo repositories. This content becomes “dark” over time and adds little or no long term value. An effective Information Governance program will enable you to understand and react appropriately to this 80% of…

While organizations build ever more complex, capable, and governed data systems, they continue to add “uncontrolled” unstructured content to shared drives and silo repositories. This content becomes “dark” over time and adds little or no long term value. An effective Information Governance program will enable you to understand and react appropriately to this 80% of…