Tag: Technology

109380 Presented at COLLABORATE 19 Groovy Scripting has been around for a long time but not until recently has the ability to use it become a key requirement for JDE Orchestrations and Notifications. It is a no-biggie for technical developers but citizen developers need to roll up their sleeves to leverage the scripting capabilities of…

111230 Presented at COLLABORATE 19 Tired of job failure morning surprises? Sacrificing sleep to manage jobs? Had enough user complaints? Wish you could receive email attachments or be notified of job failures? There is a better way! Find out how you can completely automate your batch job execution by leveraging Smart Scheduler, a 3x Oracle…

LSB has been working to implement the new UDO functionality since upgrading to 9.2. Learn about the process of creating and configuring notifications and how users at LSB are benefiting from the new notifications tool.

LSB has been working to implement the new UDO functionality since upgrading to 9.2. Learn about the process of creating and configuring notifications and how users at LSB are benefiting from the new notifications tool.

109010 Presented at COLLABORATE 19 JD Edwards environments can be exposed to risk by using outdated security standards and configurations regarding SSL 3.0/TLS 1.0/TLS1.1. This leaves passwords without encryption which open the door for malicious software to steal a password. Learn how to enable highly secure protocols and disable legacy protocols for both PY and…

Securing who can do what in JDE is a critical component of a compliance initiative, but it is not the only security you need to be looking at.  Many enterprises have multiple operating companies and business units and for various reasons, need to keep the data for one company separated from the other companies.  How…

You made it to 9.2, and you took a deep sigh of relief that you don’t have to go through that again.   But is that true?  This presentation will look at what it takes to live in a continuous delivery support model where Updates, ESU’s and Tools releases are regularly being released putting your system…

108390 Presented at COLLABORATE 19 Understandably, when companies typically develop functionality in JDE, it's focused towards the business.  The CNC support team often doesn't get any attention to develop tools to help with their responsibilities.  We are going to demonstrate some easy native JDE tools to help monitor, maintain and simply make life easier for…

JD Edwards is now 64 bit, and everyone is excited, but WHY?   This presentation takes a deeper look at why your next tools upgrade should be 64 bit.  And once you make that decision, what is going to take to put into that your environment.   We will look at how that may affect your interfaces,…

EnterpriseOne Orchestration tips and tricks experienced from the technology perspective.  Learn some of the architecture, configuration and areas to pay attention to implementing and troubleshooting orchestrations   Frank Jordan, ERP Suites