Tag: Supply Chain

Best Practices for 9.2 Upgrade on Oracle Managed Cloud Services (OMCS) Presented by Covanta Energy Corp Session ID 110740, presented at COLLABORATE 16 Covanta Energy LLC is the world’s largest En

Best Practices for 9.2 Upgrade on Oracle Managed Cloud Services (OMCS) Presented by Covanta Energy Corp Session ID 110740, presented at COLLABORATE 16 Covanta Energy LLC is the world’s largest En

Best Practices for 9.2 Upgrade on Oracle Managed Cloud Services (OMCS) Presented by Covanta Energy Corp Session ID 110740, presented at COLLABORATE 16 Covanta Energy LLC is the world’s largest En

Best Practices for 9.2 Upgrade on Oracle Managed Cloud Services (OMCS) Presented by Covanta Energy Corp Session ID 110740, presented at COLLABORATE 16 Covanta Energy LLC is the world’s largest En

The Future of PeopleSoft Procurement - Deep Dive on User Experience and Mobility Presented by Oracle Corp.,  Session ID 110030, presented at COLLABORATE 16 Attend this session to see the new face

The Future of PeopleSoft Procurement - Deep Dive on User Experience and Mobility Presented by Oracle Corp.,  Session ID 110030, presented at COLLABORATE 16 Attend this session to see the new face

The Art of the Possible - Hidden Gems in PeopleSoft Procurement Presented by Oracle Corp.,  Session ID 110020, presented at COLLABORATE 16 Attend this session to discover hidden gems across Oracle

PeopleSoft Procurement Today and Tomorrow Presented by Oracle Corp.,  Session ID 110010, presented at COLLABORATE 16 Attend this session to learn about what’s new and what is planned for Oracle's P

PeopleSoft Procurement Today and Tomorrow Presented by Oracle Corp.,  Session ID 110010, presented at COLLABORATE 16 Attend this session to learn about what’s new and what is planned for Oracle's P

PeopleSoft Procurement Today and Tomorrow Presented by Oracle Corp.,  Session ID 110010, presented at COLLABORATE 16 Attend this session to learn about what’s new and what is planned for Oracle's P