Despite the best efforts of DBA’s everywhere, eventually every organization experiences unplanned downtime from system failure. The difference between the response of successful organizations and those that suffer disastrous consequences is how they prepare for these situations. A strong backup and recovery strategy can mean millions of dollars in difference. Make sure your organization is…

When databases get ever larger and larger, backing them up using traditional RMAN backupsets will quickly get unfeasible. Completing a backup requires too much time and resources, but more importantly the same also applies to restores. RMAN has always provided a solution as incrementally updated image copies, but they are much less manageable than backupsets.…

New DBA's hear stories from their experienced peers about databases being recovered from certain failure and the heroics involved, but what's the reason for those successes? One of the main tools, used by the savior DBA, is the Recovery Manager: RMAN. We're entrusted with our customer's data and the novice DBA has to know how…

New DBA's hear stories from their experienced peers about databases being recovered from certain failure and the heroics involved, but what's the reason for those successes? One of the main tools, used by the savior DBA, is the Recovery Manager: RMAN. We're entrusted with our customer's data and the novice DBA has to know how…

With data growth abounding, database administrators are constantly challenged to support business-critical data protection requirements. Oracle Recovery Manager has continuously evolved over the past 15 years, with each release offering richer functionality and integration with Oracle' high-availability products to address those requirements. Attend this Oracle Recovery Manager technical session to learn about next-generation backup and…

With data growth abounding, database administrators are constantly challenged to support business-critical data protection requirements. Oracle Recovery Manager has continuously evolved over the past 15 years, with each release offering richer functionality and integration with Oracle' high-availability products to address those requirements. Attend this Oracle Recovery Manager technical session to learn about next-generation backup and…

With data growth abounding, database administrators are constantly challenged to support business-critical data protection requirements. Oracle Recovery Manager has continuously evolved over the past 15 years, with each release offering richer functionality and integration with Oracle' high-availability products to address those requirements. Attend this Oracle Recovery Manager technical session to learn about next-generation backup and…

As a DBA tasked with protecting your databases, you understand that backup and recovery success is a critical, yet often time consuming process.  But, did you know that there are tools available today to enable you not only to fine-tune your RMAN processes but also give you purview into the underlying infrastructre?   And, did…

As a DBA tasked with protecting your databases, you understand that backup and recovery success is a critical, yet often time consuming process.  But, did you know that there are tools available today to enable you not only to fine-tune your RMAN processes but also give you purview into the underlying infrastructre?   And, did…

As part of Boeing's private cloud initiative, the database backup process through RMAN has been completely automated using OEM 12c library jobs, named credentials, dynamic groups and EMCLI scripts. The resulting configuration is extremely scalable as there are few practical limits on the number of databases that can be included. There are only the main backup…