Version management of the PL/SQL source code in the Oracle Database has always been challenging. Database programmers lack the tools and utilities that make version control easy for developers who code with file based programming languages such as Java and JavaScript. In fact, this is one of the primary reasons why large software teams…

  Version management of the PL/SQL source code in the Oracle Database has always been challenging. Database programmers lack the tools and utilities that make version control easy for developers who code with file based programming languages such as Java and JavaScript. In fact, this is one of the primary reasons why large software teams…

  Version management of the PL/SQL source code in the Oracle Database has always been challenging. Database programmers lack the tools and utilities that make version control easy for developers who code with file based programming languages such as Java and JavaScript. In fact, this is one of the primary reasons why large software teams…

Most Oracle professionals are aware of the importance of keeping database statistics up to date. However, contrary to common knowledge, these statistics are not limited to tables, columns and indexes! PL/SQL functions also have a number of associated statistics, namely costs (CPU, I/O, network), selectivity, and cardinality (for functions that return collections). These statistics have…

Each individual sql statement submitted from a client (even sqlplus running directly on the database server) generates a pair of sqlnet waits. That is no big deal if you are submitting a single large set operation transaction and the sqlnet waits are a tiny fraction of the time of executing the statement. But if you…

Each individual sql statement submitted from a client (even sqlplus running directly on the database server) generates a pair of sqlnet waits. That is no big deal if you are submitting a single large set operation transaction and the sqlnet waits are a tiny fraction of the time of executing the statement. But if you…

You write PL/SQL day in, day out - or maybe just occasionally. You are pressed for time and struggle to write code that runs fast, meets user requirements and is easy to maintain. You find it hard to remember a long list of guidelines and just throw up your hands, hoping to make it through…

A SQL statement that calls a PL/SQL function is slower than one that defines the same result by using only SQL expressions. The culprit is the SQL to PL/SQL round-trip. Its cost can be reduced by marking the function deterministic, by invoking it in a scalar subquery, by using the PL/SQL function result cache, or…

A SQL statement that calls a PL/SQL function is slower than one that defines the same result by using only SQL expressions. The culprit is the SQL to PL/SQL round-trip. Its cost can be reduced by marking the function deterministic, by invoking it in a scalar subquery, by using the PL/SQL function result cache, or…

A SQL statement that calls a PL/SQL function is slower than one that defines the same result by using only SQL expressions. The culprit is the SQL to PL/SQL round-trip. Its cost can be reduced by marking the function deterministic, by invoking it in a scalar subquery, by using the PL/SQL function result cache, or…