The fact that triggers are written in PL/SQL creates a lot of bad publicity for this language because, for many IT professionals, database triggers and performance issues are synonymous. Sadly, there is a lot of truth in this statement. Very few features in the Oracle realm are misused as often as are triggers. The situation…

The fact that triggers are written in PL/SQL creates a lot of bad publicity for this language because, for many IT professionals, database triggers and performance issues are synonymous. Sadly, there is a lot of truth in this statement. Very few features in the Oracle realm are misused as often as are triggers. The situation…

A number of polls taken during various PL/SQL-related presentations paints a very strange picture: one of the most critical FREE server-side performance tuning tools is almost totally unknown! If you ask basic questions such as “how much time is spent on routine A?” or “how often is function B called?” most developers would start to…

A number of polls taken during various PL/SQL-related presentations paints a very strange picture: one of the most critical FREE server-side performance tuning tools is almost totally unknown! If you ask basic questions such as “how much time is spent on routine A?” or “how often is function B called?” most developers would start to…

DevOps -- the effort to coordinate development and systems operations teams -- is a concept introduced in 1991 that has recently picked up steam. It was created to support the agile approach to software development, and includes concepts such as continuous integration and continuous testing. Up until relatively recently, implementing a process for DevOps in…

DevOps -- the effort to coordinate development and systems operations teams -- is a concept introduced in 1991 that has recently picked up steam. It was created to support the agile approach to software development, and includes concepts such as continuous integration and continuous testing. Up until relatively recently, implementing a process for DevOps in…

Make the database smarter? Isn't it already smart enough? Well...no it isn't.  The Oracle Database provides a rich environment for the expression and incorporation of business logic within the data-layer. As powerful as PL/SQL is, it still hits a limit that forces logic to be implemented in the middle or client tier.  This presentation will…

Let’s revisit the ways to programmatically load data into an on-premise or Cloud Oracle database.  Many applications need to load data from external sources as some part of the workflow. What is the best data load option for your environment and your requirements?  Is your spreadsheet data CSV or true XLSX? Are you loading CLOBs…

Let’s revisit the ways to programmatically load data into an on-premise or Cloud Oracle database.  Many applications need to load data from external sources as some part of the workflow. What is the best data load option for your environment and your requirements?  Is your spreadsheet data CSV or true XLSX? Are you loading CLOBs…

The only group of Oracle specialists that continues to stay outside of the cloud hype are server-side developers. Everybody else (from CFOs to DBAs) are frantically trying to figure out what is happening and how to survive in the rapidly changing environment. Nevertheless, developers still hope that either their DBAs are good enough or their…