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Access all 11 Quest Experience Week PeopleSoft session recordings. Purchase now.

Samuel Pesse, an Oracle ACE, wrote in his blog about how to self-test your database. The content below is a republishing of his words.

Nov 13 @  2:00pm

A number of polls taken during various PL/SQL-related presentations paint a very strange picture: one of the most-critical FREE server-side performance-tuning tools is almost totally unknown! If you ask basic questions such as, “How much time is spent on routine A?” or “How often is function B called?” most developers would start to hand-code their…

Nov 13 @  2:00pm

A number of polls taken during various PL/SQL-related presentations paint a very strange picture: one of the most-critical FREE server-side performance-tuning tools is almost totally unknown! If you ask basic questions such as, “How much time is spent on routine A?” or “How often is function B called?” most developers would start to hand-code their…

Nov 13 @  12:30pm

Anyone who’s familiar with tuning SQL knows that you need to get the execution plan for a query. But once you’ve got an execution plan, what do you do with it? Everyone understands that an execution plan is important for diagnosing, but almost no one knows how to answer questions like “which step in the…

Original Broadcast: June 8, 2017 Version management of the PL/SQL source code has always been challenging. Database programmers lack the tools and utilities that make version control easy for developers who code with file based programming languages such as Java and JavaScript. In fact, this is one of the primary reasons why large software teams…