Tag: Database Performance Tuning

1. Measuring and tuning Global cache performance We will breakdown the CR and CUR response time with few customer examples and show how it can be used to debug Global Cache performance. A script will be supplied to show the breakdown. 2. Tuning RAC background processes performance Earlier discussion of GC will lead tuning few…

1. Measuring and tuning Global cache performance We will breakdown the CR and CUR response time with few customer examples and show how it can be used to debug Global Cache performance. A script will be supplied to show the breakdown. 2. Tuning RAC background processes performance Earlier discussion of GC will lead tuning few…

The presentation highlights a proven step-by-step methodology in detecting database performance issues and subsequent resolutions for RAC database environment. This technique has resulted in very successful deployment of RAC database at Verizon Wireless supporting over 30,000 concurrent users for a customer facing business critical application with 24X7X365 availability. The presentation demonstrates structured methodology focusing on:…

The presentation highlights a proven step-by-step methodology in detecting database performance issues and subsequent resolutions for RAC database environment. This technique has resulted in very successful deployment of RAC database at Verizon Wireless supporting over 30,000 concurrent users for a customer facing business critical application with 24X7X365 availability. The presentation demonstrates structured methodology focusing on:…

So, now you got a RAC system and suddenly you see events like "gc current block busy" and the system is noticeably slower. What do they mean and how do you solve the issue. This session goes through a series of real life RAC related issues experienced by the speaker and explanation of each of…

So, now you got a RAC system and suddenly you see events like "gc current block busy" and the system is noticeably slower. What do they mean and how do you solve the issue. This session goes through a series of real life RAC related issues experienced by the speaker and explanation of each of…

Even if you are a newbie to Oracle DBA profession, you know one thing is guaranteed - there will be an issue with performance at some point. How do you plan your activity? In this session, you will learn a methodical approach to troubleshooting performance issues in Oracle - making you more effective by executing…

Even if you are a newbie to Oracle DBA profession, you know one thing is guaranteed - there will be an issue with performance at some point. How do you plan your activity? In this session, you will learn a methodical approach to troubleshooting performance issues in Oracle - making you more effective by executing…

What is EXTREME PERFORMANCE TUNING? Performance tuning is NOT: having tricky scripts, running colorful programs, or printing reports full of vague generalities. It's not even being smarter than other DBAs. Drawing on a decade of experience solving 7,000 performance problems, Oracle ACE and author Chris Lawson presents a time-tested strategy--a "Game Plan for Success."

If you haven’t heard this podcast with Tom Kyte you need to check it out.  This Real World Performance road show sounds awesome. (http://streaming.oracle.com/ebn/podcasts/media/9824111_Performace_Day_020311.mp3) I won’t be able to get to the west coast for these first 4 events, but cannot wait until it comes to the midwest. 3 experts, with 3 projectors, working with…