Tag: Manufacturing and Distribution

105180 Presented at INFOCUS 19 Is there additional information that you'd like to store in JDE but there is no place for it? Do you find yourself using multiple tools to review all of the information that you need?  Look no further, JDE offers supplmental data in 9 different systems within E1. This is a…

102900 Presented at INFOCUS 19 Annual SIG Meeting at INFOCUS for the E1 Manufacturing and Distribution User Group. Join us to learn more about what the E1MDUG does and how you can get involved. Meet other manufacturing and distribution users and discuss issues you have in common and how we can help address those issues.…

105450 Moving Beyond Compliance: Transforming into a Safety First Org. with JDE Health & Safety Incident Presented at INFOCUS 19 Health and Safety regulations are world-wide. Many organizations today realize that putting safety first can result in organizations that workers want to be part of and reduces costs and risks.  Learn how the latest innovations…

105450 Moving Beyond Compliance: Transforming into a Safety First Org. with JDE Health & Safety Incident Presented at INFOCUS 19 Health and Safety regulations are world-wide. Many organizations today realize that putting safety first can result in organizations that workers want to be part of and reduces costs and risks.  Learn how the latest innovations…

105390 Minimizing MRP “Nervousness” – JD Edwards Requirements Planning Basics Presented at INFOCUS 19 A nervous MRP system can be defined as one that presents continual action messages (increase, decrease, expedite, defer), to the point of frustrating users and undermining confidence in and support of the system. This session will discuss the causes of nervousness…

105390 Minimizing MRP “Nervousness” – JD Edwards Requirements Planning Basics Presented at INFOCUS 19 A nervous MRP system can be defined as one that presents continual action messages (increase, decrease, expedite, defer), to the point of frustrating users and undermining confidence in and support of the system. This session will discuss the causes of nervousness…