Tag: Lift and Shift for Current Workloads

With the release of 8.57 in Cloud, check out how you can explore both the 8.57 features and moving into the Cloud. Become informed about the features and benefits of upgrading to 8.57 and understand how doing an upgrade on Cloud reduces both the time and cost.

With the release of 8.57 in Cloud, check out how you can explore both the 8.57 features and moving into the Cloud. Become informed about the features and benefits of upgrading to 8.57 and understand how doing an upgrade on Cloud reduces both the time and cost.

109140 Presented at COLLABORATE 19 Organizations that will thrive in tomorrow's competitive environment must today shift their focus from a legacy "run-and-maintain" mode and embrace innovation. In this session learn how combining PeopleSoft applications with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure provided by Oracle Cloud Managed Services Partner Velocity Technology Solutions, delivered better performance, application usability, and a…

109140 Presented at COLLABORATE 19 Organizations that will thrive in tomorrow's competitive environment must today shift their focus from a legacy "run-and-maintain" mode and embrace innovation. In this session learn how combining PeopleSoft applications with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure provided by Oracle Cloud Managed Services Partner Velocity Technology Solutions, delivered better performance, application usability, and a…

Using EnterpriseOne has never been easier than now with the new tools available with User Defined Web Objects (UDOs) and even UX1.  UDOs are web objects that streamline your interface with E1 information and applications.  What do you need to know in working with them?  How do you go about granting permissions quickly and easily to put these tools in the hands of the right users?  Let us walk you through options of what you will need to know to implement them successfully.

Using EnterpriseOne has never been easier than now with the new tools available with User Defined Web Objects (UDOs) and even UX1.  UDOs are web objects that streamline your interface with E1 information and applications.  What do you need to know in working with them?  How do you go about granting permissions quickly and easily to put these tools in the hands of the right users?  Let us walk you through options of what you will need to know to implement them successfully.

Using EnterpriseOne has never been easier than now with the new tools available with User Defined Web Objects (UDOs) and even UX1.  UDOs are web objects that streamline your interface with E1 information and applications.  What do you need to know in working with them?  How do you go about granting permissions quickly and easily to put these tools in the hands of the right users?  Let us walk you through options of what you will need to know to implement them successfully.

Oracle OCI( IaaS and PaaS) Cloud computing can be loosely defined as using scalable computing resources provided as a service from outside your environment on a pay-per-use basis where you pay for only what you use with no hassles of Server & Application maintenance with no need for upfront expenditures and capital outlay.

Oracle OCI( IaaS and PaaS) Cloud computing can be loosely defined as using scalable computing resources provided as a service from outside your environment on a pay-per-use basis where you pay for only what you use with no hassles of Server & Application maintenance with no need for upfront expenditures and capital outlay.

Using Redfaire International’s CLOUD9 solutions that included Oracle IAAS and Oracle Data Centers, the migration to EnterpriseOne 9.2 became much simpler and saved our organization significant IT spend.  Additionally, Redfaire International’s CLOUD9 removed the complexity of managing the infrastructure internally after go live. This session will help you understand the key areas of consideration to manage a successful World Migration and taking your solution to the Cloud using Oracle IAAS and Redfaire International CLOUD9 solutions.