Tag: JD Edwards World

How To Play Golf on the First Day of Go-Live for a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Upgrade Presented by SYSTIME Session ID 97720, presented at COLLABORATE 12   Discover how a project team can play golf at 2

How To Play Golf on the First Day of Go-Live for a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Upgrade Presented by SYSTIME Session ID 97720, presented at COLLABORATE 12   Discover how a project team can play golf at 2

How To Play Golf on the First Day of Go-Live for a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Upgrade Presented by SYSTIME Session ID 97720, presented at COLLABORATE 12   Discover how a project team can play golf at 2

How To Play Golf on the First Day of Go-Live for a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Upgrade Presented by SYSTIME Session ID 97720, presented at COLLABORATE 12   Discover how a project team can play golf at 2

Asia Pacific Localisation: Help! Where Do I Go? Presented by Quest Asia Session ID 97660, presented at COLLABORATE 12   Working in one of the fastest-growing, market-leading, most diverse economies o

Asia Pacific Localisation: Help! Where Do I Go? Presented by Quest Asia Session ID 97660, presented at COLLABORATE 12   Working in one of the fastest-growing, market-leading, most diverse economies o

Asia Pacific Localisation: Help! Where Do I Go? Presented by Quest Asia Session ID 97660, presented at COLLABORATE 12   Working in one of the fastest-growing, market-leading, most diverse economies o

Asia Pacific Localisation: Help! Where Do I Go? Presented by Quest Asia Session ID 97660, presented at COLLABORATE 12   Working in one of the fastest-growing, market-leading, most diverse economies o

Rightsize and Mask your Oracle HRMS Test Data Presented by IBM Session ID 97640, presented at COLLABORATE 12   It is always a nightmare when data from Oracle HRMS production instance is being copied

Rightsize and Mask your Oracle HRMS Test Data Presented by IBM Session ID 97640, presented at COLLABORATE 12   It is always a nightmare when data from Oracle HRMS production instance is being copied