Tag: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

At the core of Prophet One is a very experienced management team. Founded in 2004, the foundation of the organization revolves around extensive consulting experience and strong business acumen the management team brings to Prophet One. This team has a track record of sustained success measured by client satisfaction and employee retention. We earn the…

At the core of Prophet One is a very experienced management team. Founded in 2004, the foundation of the organization revolves around extensive consulting experience and strong business acumen the management team brings to Prophet One. This team has a track record of sustained success measured by client satisfaction and employee retention. We earn the…

It happens all the time - a new business entity is acquired, created or split off. Once the decision is made, executive leadership often thinks the hard part is done. But for those of us who manage the JDE setup, it's just the beginning.  A new company needs to be set up, and questions need to be asked and answered:  Will they run payroll? What's the company currency?  How many branch/plants and will they all carry inventory? Are we buying and/or selling things in this company? We'll walk through a list of questions to ask, then go through the basic setup tasks for a new company in JDE.  Finally, we'll talk about what initial testing to perform, to ensure you are ready to do business on Day 1.

Discuss requirements for new company setup, including questions to ask and things to consider

Walk through basic foundational setup for a new JDE company

Talk about what to test to ensure transactions can be processed Day 1

Presented by Sarah Mills, Emerald Cube Solutions

  • Quest Customer Learning Team
  • Recordings & Presentations
  • 3/08/19

As part of Quest Experience Week—JD Edwards Day, Lisa Tran from Stoner, Inc. presented on the built-programming that JD Edwards has to do automated voucher matching. The presentation covered how the voucher automation works, what the limitations are, and how Stoner, Inc. leverages a third-party tool to enhance the process in their own organization.

As part of Quest Experience Week—JD Edwards Day, Lisa Tran from Stoner, Inc. presented on the built-programming that JD Edwards has to do automated voucher matching. The presentation covered how the voucher automation works, what the limitations are, and how Stoner, Inc. leverages a third-party tool to enhance the process in their own organization.

JD Edwards customers are renowned for maintaining highly competitive enterprises and operating efficiently in markets of every size and in every geography. Operating efficiently means keeping operational costs low, including technology costs, while driving innovation. Are you interested in achieving tangible business benefits with an extraordinary low total cost of ownership? Join us to learn how JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Server Manager, the nerve center for administration, provides JD Edwards customers with solutions that preserve their traditional high-value/low-TCO value proposition of running JD Edwards by proactively managing, effectively monitoring, and easily diagnosing faults in a wide range of JD Edwards components throughout your system.

Presented by Sanjeev Sharma & CJ Jeong, Oracle

  • Quest Customer Learning Team
  • Recordings & Presentations
  • 3/08/19