Tag: JD Edwards

Are you manually downloading, copying, or rekeying data from JD Edwards into Excel in order to process the information you need? Join us to learn how you can automate manual processes and save hundreds of hours every year.

The Problem - 17 years of incomplete and inaccurate data in our Address Book. What we did to clean it up and keep it from happening again.

"This session will benefit functional users, Accounting managers, and others involved with meeting government requirements for revenue recognition."

Many people think that since their company is not publically traded that Segregation of Duties is not a relevant headache. Listen to how Trek, a highly trusted family owned cycle business, wanted to ensure that they controlled the unknown issues.

Over the last 3 months students at Kansas State University College of Business have been learning about JD Edwards in a new pilot awareness college course.

Over the last 3 months students at Kansas State University College of Business have been learning about JD Edwards in a new pilot awareness college course.

Over the last 3 months students at Kansas State University College of Business have been learning about JD Edwards in a new pilot awareness college course.

Over the last 3 months students at Kansas State University College of Business have been learning about JD Edwards in a new pilot awareness college course.

"When manufacturing and selling products, keeping track of and accounting for all of your costs is extremely important.

"When manufacturing and selling products, keeping track of and accounting for all of your costs is extremely important.