Tag: JD Edwards

Nov 5 @  2:00pm

November 5th 2:00 pm ET The CIO’s Guide To Automation, AI, And Robotics Presented by guest speaker JP Gownder, Vice President, Principal Analyst, Forrester Automation technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), robotic process automation  (RPA), and physical robots give CIOs the chance to help their company rethink its business model and drive customer obsession. Rather than…

Quest had the chance to talk with Brian Hale, Manager of Technical & Cloud Operations, from Federal Signal about the process of the company’s move to Oracle’s first-generation Cloud and upgrade to 9.2 along the way.

Quest had the chance to speak with Gina Stickland, the Chief Process and Innovation Officer from Miller Zell about the company’s move from JD Edwards World to EnterpriseOne in roughly 10 months.

Nov 1 @  11:00am

What is new with Tools 9.2.3 Presented by Jeff Erickson, Oracle JD Edwards Change is the new normal, and Oracle continues to deliver transformational capabilities with each JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools release. See what’s new in the latest releases of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools including Orchestrator Studio, Extensibility Framework, 64-bit computing, Automation for Cloud, and…

Quest had the opportunity to speak with Chris Park, Supervisor, Business Analysts, and Matt Wiles, Senior Business Analyst, from Christie Digital Systems Inc. about leveraging User Defined Objects to improve the user experience.

Quest had the opportunity to speak with Chris Park, Supervisor, Business Analysts, and Matt Wiles, Senior Business Analyst, from Christie Digital Systems Inc. about leveraging User Defined Objects to improve the user experience.

Quest had the opportunity to speak with Chris Park, Supervisor, Business Analysts, and Matt Wiles, Senior Business Analyst, from Christie Digital Systems Inc. about leveraging User Defined Objects to improve the user experience.

Quest recently had the chance to speak with Trisha Muir, the ERP Manager at Michelman about the company’s six-month 9.2 upgrade and how they are now utilizing new functionality.

Quest recently had the chance to speak with Trisha Muir, the ERP Manager at Michelman about the company’s six-month 9.2 upgrade and how they are now utilizing new functionality.

Quest recently had the chance to speak with Trisha Muir, the ERP Manager at Michelman about the company’s six-month 9.2 upgrade and how they are now utilizing new functionality.