Do you want to migrate big database to the cloud or to a different data center with minimum downtime? That is your answer, use 12c database RMAN new features. Different OS platform? Want a version upgrade at the same time, - no problem.  Minimize downtime applying incremental backups. Use compressed backup sets or  storage split…

Do you want to migrate big database to the cloud or to a different data center with minimum downtime? That is your answer, use 12c database RMAN new features. Different OS platform? Want a version upgrade at the same time, - no problem.  Minimize downtime applying incremental backups. Use compressed backup sets or  storage split…

Success of an application depends on its performance and its cost of maintenance. Interestingly both of these factors are largely influenced by the simplicity of the algorithm and it is also important to choose the right application layer for executing this algorithm. Often accessing and processing “data” plays the pivotal role in an application’s performance. …

Success of an application depends on its performance and its cost of maintenance. Interestingly both of these factors are largely influenced by the simplicity of the algorithm and it is also important to choose the right application layer for executing this algorithm. Often accessing and processing “data” plays the pivotal role in an application’s performance. …

From driving in traffic to being served at a restaurant, every person feels the impact of queuing theory. Queuing theory beautifully relates time and work into terms we can feel, like utilization, workload intensity, response time, elapsed time and systems architecture design. With only the basics we can use queuing theory to derive targeted performance…

From driving in traffic to being served at a restaurant, every person feels the impact of queuing theory. Queuing theory beautifully relates time and work into terms we can feel, like utilization, workload intensity, response time, elapsed time and systems architecture design. With only the basics we can use queuing theory to derive targeted performance…

Managing/deploying code changes is an essential task in all software development projects.  It’s a problem that’s largely solved for application code, however, it’s still a challenge in many projects to manage database schema changes. With the release of 12c, Oracle introduced a licensed option, the Database Lifecycle Management Pack to address this issue.  I’ll be…

Learn how to get data into SQL Server, make it usable, load it to Power BI, and leverage it for analysis and visualization into analytics.

Big data is one of the biggest buzzword in today's market. Terms like Hadoop, HDFS, YARN, Sqoop, and non-structured data has been scaring DBA's since 2010 - but where does the DBA team really fit in? In this session, we will discuss everything database administrators and database developers needs to know about big data. We…

Big data is one of the biggest buzzword in today's market. Terms like Hadoop, HDFS, YARN, Sqoop, and non-structured data has been scaring DBA's since 2010 - but where does the DBA team really fit in? In this session, we will discuss everything database administrators and database developers needs to know about big data. We…