Machine learning is one of the valuable applications using Big Data. And it is coming to Hadoop through a new Apache project called Mahout. Apache Mahout is a project that provides a set of machine learning algorithms that can be executed on top of Hadoop to analyze big data sets. In this presentation, the speaker…

Machine learning is one of the valuable applications using Big Data. And it is coming to Hadoop through a new Apache project called Mahout. Apache Mahout is a project that provides a set of machine learning algorithms that can be executed on top of Hadoop to analyze big data sets. In this presentation, the speaker…

Ever get the question from your end user "Is the database down?" That is one question a DBA hates to hear or even worse, to find out is true. This paper will look at how to use Enterprise Manager to monitor your environment. The topics we will look at are how to create a metric,…

Oracle’s Advance Queuing (AQ) is a full featured, robust messaging system which offer numerous uses for application development, including asynchronous processing, inter-database co-ordination, publish and subscribe, interfacing with other messaging systems such as JMS, and more. This session will cover the features, fundamentals and performance issues involved with using AQ. Topics will include understanding, creating…

Do you truly know why you should be regularly applying Oracle Critical Patch Updates? This session will provide an in-depth look and demonstration of different types of security vulnerabilities fixed by Oracle’s quarterly Critical Patch Updates (CPU). Using information and exploit code that is published and readily available on the Internet, actual security bugs fixed…

Do you truly know why you should be regularly applying Oracle Critical Patch Updates? This session will provide an in-depth look and demonstration of different types of security vulnerabilities fixed by Oracle’s quarterly Critical Patch Updates (CPU). Using information and exploit code that is published and readily available on the Internet, actual security bugs fixed…

In the latest versions of Oracle JDeveloper, Oracle has combined their ADF Framework with JavaServer Faces resulting in a technology they call ADF Faces. The attribute set of these elements are so rich, developers may be wondering if the art of Java programming is becoming obsolete. This presentation will show some of the incredible features…

This full day workshop will be of interest to attendees who are considering an installation of Oracle database on Linux on System z. The class is designed for both Oracle DBA skilled people, System z and Linux people, working together in teams to configure and install a VM, Linux, and Oracle environment on IBM System…

This session will provide an update on IBM System z, and the Oracle solutions for System z and Linux on System z. Also included will be an update on the zSeries Oracle SIG, including planned activities, website, and leaders. This session is the first session of the System z Oracle track, with sessions through the…

Oracle Application Express is an incredibly powerful tool that allows users with little development experience to create reports and applications quickly. If you've never used Apex before, this presentation will give you the basics of Apex and turn you into an confident Apex developer all in one hour.