This session covers migration from any other platform to System z. Also covered are adjustments on the Linux box for best performance and changes to the source system which will ensure a smooth migration

The presentation highlights a proven step-by-step methodology in detecting database performance issues and subsequent resolutions for RAC database environment. This technique has resulted in very successful deployment of RAC database at Verizon Wireless supporting over 30,000 concurrent users for a customer facing business critical application with 24X7X365 availability. The presentation demonstrates structured methodology focusing on:…

The presentation highlights a proven step-by-step methodology in detecting database performance issues and subsequent resolutions for RAC database environment. This technique has resulted in very successful deployment of RAC database at Verizon Wireless supporting over 30,000 concurrent users for a customer facing business critical application with 24X7X365 availability. The presentation demonstrates structured methodology focusing on:…

Prior to 10G, Raw Device or 3rd party cluster filesystem were the only options for Oracle RAC or OPS. Starting with 10G, even with popularity of ASM using Raw luns over FC storage network, NFS is often a much cheaper and viable option. In the case study - the same storage system was assigned as…

New in Oracle Database 11gR2, the "recursive common table expression" (CTE) gives us yet another tool to manage hierarchical data. A recursive CTE is composed of one or more "anchor members" followed by one or more "recursive members." For example, to find all the ancestors of George Walker Bush, we create anchor members that list…

SQL efficiency is central to database efficiency, and the ability to interpret SQL query execution plans is a critical skill of the application developer and database administrator. In this session, we review the process of displaying and interpreting query execution plans; the meaning of operations such as "Merge Join," "Hash Join," "Hash Group By," and…

SQL efficiency is central to database efficiency, and the ability to interpret SQL query execution plans is a critical skill of the application developer and database administrator. In this session, we review the process of displaying and interpreting query execution plans; the meaning of operations such as "Merge Join," "Hash Join," "Hash Group By," and…

Oracle and NLS

This presentation will provide a detailed review of NLS data and how it is stored, and retrieved from an Oracle database. It will also try to show some of the updates from UTF8 to AL32UTF8 / AL16UTF16. We will show some common misconceptions about NLS data, and common error messages encountered with corrupt NLS data;…

Oracle and NLS

This presentation will provide a detailed review of NLS data and how it is stored, and retrieved from an Oracle database. It will also try to show some of the updates from UTF8 to AL32UTF8 / AL16UTF16. We will show some common misconceptions about NLS data, and common error messages encountered with corrupt NLS data;…

This presentation will provide a beginning set of security steps you can take with your Oracle database. As of 11g some of these recommendations are now the default, but if you are managing previous versions of Oracle, these are basic minimum steps that should be taken. Here is a beginning set of security features that…