Let’s revisit the ways to programmatically load data into an on-premise or Cloud Oracle database.  Many applications need to load data from external sources as some part of the workflow. What is the best data load option for your environment and your requirements?  Is your spreadsheet data CSV or true XLSX? Are you loading CLOBs…

The only group of Oracle specialists that continues to stay outside of the cloud hype are server-side developers. Everybody else (from CFOs to DBAs) are frantically trying to figure out what is happening and how to survive in the rapidly changing environment. Nevertheless, developers still hope that either their DBAs are good enough or their…

Not that long ago it was so simple: if you were a developer who wanted to work with an Oracle development tool, you used Oracle Forms. Period. End of story. Now, and this is particularly true in the past couple of years, the number of Oracle development tools has grown to the point where it…

The only group of Oracle specialists that continues to stay outside of the cloud hype are server-side developers. Everybody else (from CFOs to DBAs) are frantically trying to figure out what is happening and how to survive in the rapidly changing environment. Nevertheless, developers still hope that either their DBAs are good enough or their…

The only group of Oracle specialists that continues to stay outside of the cloud hype are server-side developers. Everybody else (from CFOs to DBAs) are frantically trying to figure out what is happening and how to survive in the rapidly changing environment. Nevertheless, developers still hope that either their DBAs are good enough or their…

This talk is all about how an Oracle DBA has been using the Python programming language in his work and why Python might be a good language for other DBAs to use. There are hundreds of programming and scripting languages. Why Python? Also, database administrators are not full time programmers. Should they learn a programming…

This talk is all about how an Oracle DBA has been using the Python programming language in his work and why Python might be a good language for other DBAs to use. There are hundreds of programming and scripting languages. Why Python? Also, database administrators are not full time programmers. Should they learn a programming…

This talk is all about how an Oracle DBA has been using the Python programming language in his work and why Python might be a good language for other DBAs to use. There are hundreds of programming and scripting languages. Why Python? Also, database administrators are not full time programmers. Should they learn a programming…

As the complexities of Oracle solutions continue to grow, providing IT environments a simplified way to automate key processes of software delivery and changes within IT infrastructure is of utmost importance. With the use of containers, system administrators, database administrators, and software developers can take advantage of delivering Oracle databases and their closely tied applications…

As the complexities of Oracle solutions continue to grow, providing IT environments a simplified way to automate key processes of software delivery and changes within IT infrastructure is of utmost importance. With the use of containers, system administrators, database administrators, and software developers can take advantage of delivering Oracle databases and their closely tied applications…