Many people who are charged with running MySQL are not DBA's, rather they aredevelopers, system administrators, network administrators, etc. Typically thesepeople put on a DBA hat only when there is a problem to solve or to dealdirectly with. I call these people the 5 minute DBA's, dealing with databasesissues for only a very short time…

I have worked with hundreds of MySQL customers over the past 4 years and manyof them actually fall into the same bad habits. Whether its over-allocatingmemory or using GUIDs for primary keys, the results end up being the same...non-optimal database performance. I am going to walk through the most common ofthese mistakes and tell you…

I have worked with hundreds of MySQL customers over the past 4 years and manyof them actually fall into the same bad habits. Whether its over-allocatingmemory or using GUIDs for primary keys, the results end up being the same...non-optimal database performance. I am going to walk through the most common ofthese mistakes and tell you…

Many people who are charged with running MySQL are not DBA's, rather they aredevelopers, system administrators, network administrators, etc. Typically thesepeople put on a DBA hat only when there is a problem to solve or to dealdirectly with. I call these people the 5 minute DBA's, dealing with databasesissues for only a very short time…

Many people who are charged with running MySQL are not DBA's, rather they aredevelopers, system administrators, network administrators, etc. Typically thesepeople put on a DBA hat only when there is a problem to solve or to dealdirectly with. I call these people the 5 minute DBA's, dealing with databasesissues for only a very short time…

Many people who are charged with running MySQL are not DBA's, rather they aredevelopers, system administrators, network administrators, etc. Typically thesepeople put on a DBA hat only when there is a problem to solve or to dealdirectly with. I call these people the 5 minute DBA's, dealing with databasesissues for only a very short time…

Many people who are charged with running MySQL are not DBA's, rather they aredevelopers, system administrators, network administrators, etc. Typically thesepeople put on a DBA hat only when there is a problem to solve or to dealdirectly with. I call these people the 5 minute DBA's, dealing with databasesissues for only a very short time…

Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) 11gRelease 2 has laid the ground for Oracle's grid infrastructure, preparing theOracle RAC stack to be the foundation for private clouds. The patchset completes this development, providing an even more dynamic cloud. OracleRAC includes the new Oracle Cluster File System, Cloud Edition, anenriched version of the ASM-based cluster…

Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) 11gRelease 2 has laid the ground for Oracle's grid infrastructure, preparing theOracle RAC stack to be the foundation for private clouds. The patchset completes this development, providing an even more dynamic cloud. OracleRAC includes the new Oracle Cluster File System, Cloud Edition, anenriched version of the ASM-based cluster…

Every long-term IT project reaches a point when one or more fundamental concepts that define the whole system are no longer true. If the business is lucky, this may lead to a brand new development project. If not, the current system must be altered to support requirements for which it was never designed. This presentation…