Even though every Oracle UCM deployment is different, the successful implementations all have similar patterns. How are the metadata, workflows, and security models created and maintained? How do people create custom services and user interfaces? How do we ensure performance, security, and uptime when integrating with third party applications? In this talk, we will present…

Even though every Oracle UCM deployment is different, the successful implementations all have similar patterns. How are the metadata, workflows, and security models created and maintained? How do people create custom services and user interfaces? How do we ensure performance, security, and uptime when integrating with third party applications? In this talk, we will present…

Whether you are using WebCenter, WebLogic Portal, or Site Studio with UCM, the problems with managing an international web site are the same. Whether you need to maintain two locales or twenty, this session will teach you the tips and tricks you need to create and maintain a multi-language environment.

Even though every Oracle UCM deployment is different, the successful implementations all have similar patterns. How are the metadata, workflows, and security models created and maintained? How do people create custom services and user interfaces? How do we ensure performance, security, and uptime when integrating with third party applications? In this talk, we will present…

Whether you are using WebCenter, WebLogic Portal, or Site Studio with UCM, the problems with managing an international web site are the same. Whether you need to maintain two locales or twenty, this session will teach you the tips and tricks you need to create and maintain a multi-language environment.

You definitely heard about it, may be saw some demos and, perhaps even dabbled a little and nowyou want to know more about it. This session explains what RAC is to theuninitiated starting with the multi-instance model. It goes on to explain whatis actually meant by terms like cache fusion, interconnect, Virtual IP, publicIP, LMS…

Whether you are using WebCenter, WebLogic Portal, or Site Studio with UCM, the problems with managing an international web site are the same. Whether you need to maintain two locales or twenty, this session will teach you the tips and tricks you need to create and maintain a multi-language environment.

I have worked with hundreds of MySQL customers over the past 4 years and manyof them actually fall into the same bad habits. Whether its over-allocatingmemory or using GUIDs for primary keys, the results end up being the same...non-optimal database performance. I am going to walk through the most common ofthese mistakes and tell you…

A brief overview of how Oracle on Windows is different than Oracle on Unix/Linux, the pitfalls of running on 32bit Windows, tips and tricks for Oracle installs and patches, and some handy command line commands and scripts.

A brief overview of how Oracle on Windows is different than Oracle on Unix/Linux, the pitfalls of running on 32bit Windows, tips and tricks for Oracle installs and patches, and some handy command line commands and scripts.