APEX gains ground every year with the Oracle development community. How are people really using the tool? What are they using it for? How happy are they? This paper will summarize the experiences of development teams throughout the world and provide an overview of their usage and perceptions of the environment.

The session will cover the RPD Modeling Basics and will give an insight to users as to how a successful model can be designed and built using a given set of requirements. The speaker will take a business case study and show it to the users as to how we can optimally build the model…

The session will cover the RPD Modeling Basics and will give an insight to users as to how a successful model can be designed and built using a given set of requirements. The speaker will take a business case study and show it to the users as to how we can optimally build the model…

The session will cover the RPD Modeling Basics and will give an insight to users as to how a successful model can be designed and built using a given set of requirements. The speaker will take a business case study and show it to the users as to how we can optimally build the model…

Constraints are not just about data integrety, although they would be important enough if that was all they did. Constraints in a data warehouse are crucial for performance (and getting the right answer). Constraints in a transactional system are crucial for getting the right answer (and for performance). Constraints convey information to the optimizer. The…

The session will cover the RPD Modeling Basics and will give an insight to users as to how a successful model can be designed and built using a given set of requirements. The speaker will take a business case study and show it to the users as to how we can optimally build the model…

Constraints are not just about data integrety, although they would be important enough if that was all they did. Constraints in a data warehouse are crucial for performance (and getting the right answer). Constraints in a transactional system are crucial for getting the right answer (and for performance). Constraints convey information to the optimizer. The…

APEX 4.0 introduces maps, Gantt charts and improved charting capabilities. Great, but how do I make meaningful use of these new features in my applications? This session is a deep dive into practical adoption of maps, Gantts and charts in your current and future applications, touching on additional APEX 4.0 new features along the way.

APEX 4.0 introduces maps, Gantt charts and improved charting capabilities. Great, but how do I make meaningful use of these new features in my applications? This session is a deep dive into practical adoption of maps, Gantts and charts in your current and future applications, touching on additional APEX 4.0 new features along the way.

APEX 4.0 introduces maps, Gantt charts and improved charting capabilities. Great, but how do I make meaningful use of these new features in my applications? This session is a deep dive into practical adoption of maps, Gantts and charts in your current and future applications, touching on additional APEX 4.0 new features along the way.