Branding or customizing the look and feel of Content Server can be an early âwinâ for any organization implementing Oracle Content Management. This session will present some of the more commonly desired customizations, including: images/logos, color schemes, hiding menus and menu items, reordering menu items, and others, with the end goal being to increase user…

For Site Studio websites, the performance of the web server will ultimately determine load duration and response time for your pages. For the most efficient delivery of pages, site assets such as JavaScript, CSS, and images can be combined, while some code fragments in Idoc Script can be cached.

Branding or customizing the look and feel of Content Server can be an early âwinâ for any organization implementing Oracle Content Management. This session will present some of the more commonly desired customizations, including: images/logos, color schemes, hiding menus and menu items, reordering menu items, and others, with the end goal being to increase user…


Disaster Recovery planning is the most important aspect of a DBA's job. Oracle 11g and RMAN provide robust methods of testing an actual restoration of your database to an alternative platform. This talk will provide a real-life, step-by-step example of how to restore a production instance to a development platform using RMAN and NetBackup, leaving…

Modern organizational structures are volatile, disparate and complex due to economic upheaval, boomer exits, technology infusion and global business trends. The result is a population and a workforce that is trying to work and function while riding a tsunami of change and information influx. This presentation discusses a recent study of the impacts of these…

UCM components are one of the fundamental methods for customizing core Content Server functionality. These customizations can range in complexity from very minor and subtle modifications all the way to new and broad changing features, like Digital Asset Management. Using Idoc Script and Java, this session will demonstrate the creation and deployment of a custom…

Increasingly, companies are considering public cloud computing solutions, including Oracle's on demand and other software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications. However, the adoption of this new breed of applications introduces a technological divide between privately owned datacenters and third-party public clouds, resulting in an array of new challenges to overcome and a new level of management complexity to…

Whether with a smart phone, iPad, or mini computer. mobility is here and business must be ready. Remote employees are trying to access critical business information through mobile devices. See real world examples of how leading organizations are mobile-enabling their employees with Oracle ECM 11g and E20 11g technology. Learn real world strategies for making…

In any running Content Server environment - but especially in Production - one of the most disruptive necessities of development and deploying customizations is having to ârestartâ services for new features and functionalities to take effect. Using component 'Preference Prompts' and HTML includes, however, service restarts can be reduced or removed from your customization deployments.