Enterprise Portals present sensitive information and processes, which makes it imperative that these Portals be completely secure. Oracle WebCenter Security Framework provides advanced Role-based Access Control without sacrificing the flexibility that your Portal users need. Come and attend this session to learn how WebCenter Portal provides key integrations with Oracle Middleware including Oracle Entitlement Server…

Enterprise Portals present sensitive information and processes, which makes it imperative that these Portals be completely secure. Oracle WebCenter Security Framework provides advanced Role-based Access Control without sacrificing the flexibility that your Portal users need. Come and attend this session to learn how WebCenter Portal provides key integrations with Oracle Middleware including Oracle Entitlement Server…

This presentation addresses the fact that organizations need to take a serious look at Oracle UCM to manage all unstructured content. Consider the ROI: what will it cost your organization if you decide NOT to implement Oracle UCM... We will explain the business benefits of Oracle UCM, have a brief ROI discussion, explore the business…

Oracle WebCenter Content provides numerous out-of-the-box content management capabilities. However, like most enterprise systems, customizations may be required to enhance or extend native functionality. Come to this session to hear some methods to customize Oracle WebCenter using JQuery. Learn how to create interactive and user friendly tables, customized tabs that follow workflow, as well as…

Enterprise Portals have access control needs, which require dynamic roles that are based on user attributes and time constraints versus just static group memberships. Attend this session to learn how WebCenter Portal, through a unique, flexible architecture can integrate with Oracle Entitlements Server to provide granular access control using dynamic roles.

This session will showcase and demonstrate the evolution of User Interface design and experience including how we can now bring other input technologies like touch, gesture, and voice interactions into a web browser. Examples will include multi-touch gesture interactions from an iPad to quickly scroll through a web-based image library and manipulate on content on…

This session will cover the latest 11g PS5 Presence Integration in WebCenter Portal as well as discuss and demonstrate custom taskflows that leverage WebSockets via nodeJS and ADF comet integrations. We will review the pros and cons of using AJAX, WebSocket, and Comet communications in a browser to enable real-time communication and collaboration across a…

If you have been working with Oracle UCM and Site Studio, Oracle’s acquisition of FatWire has introduced some uncertainty. Are you unsure what “web experience management” means for your company? What is the proper path for my existing Site Studio sites? How can I best utilize WebCenter Sites in my existing Oracle environment? Come to…

Automate Keying and Transaction Entry into your PSFT and EBS System leveraging Oracle Forms Recognition, WebCenter Content and SOA / BPM. Reduce the effort surrounding manual keying, account coding and invoice approvals in the accounts payable process, and monitor key Performance Indicators.

Human Capital Management can be made easier and more efficient by leveraging WebCenter Content to capture, extract, and store information coming in from multiple sources, Oracle BPM to flexibly manage the process, perform approvals, and integrate with your PeopleSoft, EBS, and JDE Systems.