A number of polls taken during various PL/SQL-related presentations paints a very strange picture: one of the most critical FREE server-side performance tuning tools is almost totally unknown! If you ask basic questions such as “how much time is spent on routine A?” or “how often is function B called?” most developers would start to…

A number of polls taken during various PL/SQL-related presentations paints a very strange picture: one of the most critical FREE server-side performance tuning tools is almost totally unknown! If you ask basic questions such as “how much time is spent on routine A?” or “how often is function B called?” most developers would start to…

Since it was introduced back in 2003 with Oracle 10g, ASM became an essential part of almost every Oracle DBA's life. In this session you will learn ASM from A to Z - starting with the basic concepts of the ASM all the way to the new features of ASM and important best practices that…

Since it was introduced back in 2003 with Oracle 10g, ASM became an essential part of almost every Oracle DBA's life. In this session you will learn ASM from A to Z - starting with the basic concepts of the ASM all the way to the new features of ASM and important best practices that…

Migrating to a newer Oracle Database Version doesn’t have to be confined to a single outage period.   Several interim steps can be done ahead to certain compatible components saving valuable time.  In a general sense Oracle is backwards compatible for making that transition from an earlier version to a later one. This session will cover…

Migrating to a newer Oracle Database Version doesn’t have to be confined to a single outage period.   Several interim steps can be done ahead to certain compatible components saving valuable time.  In a general sense Oracle is backwards compatible for making that transition from an earlier version to a later one. This session will cover…

Migrating to a newer Oracle Database Version doesn’t have to be confined to a single outage period.   Several interim steps can be done ahead to certain compatible components saving valuable time.  In a general sense Oracle is backwards compatible for making that transition from an earlier version to a later one. This session will cover…

Migrating to a newer Oracle Database Version doesn’t have to be confined to a single outage period.   Several interim steps can be done ahead to certain compatible components saving valuable time.  In a general sense Oracle is backwards compatible for making that transition from an earlier version to a later one. This session will cover…

In this session learn how to identify which of the Oracle Management Cloud services you might need, as well as how to get started. All services use the same underlying platform and agent. Learn about planning and architecture, agent deployment and maintenance, as well as advanced topics such as available REST APIs, creating entities, custom…

In this session learn how to identify which of the Oracle Management Cloud services you might need, as well as how to get started. All services use the same underlying platform and agent. Learn about planning and architecture, agent deployment and maintenance, as well as advanced topics such as available REST APIs, creating entities, custom…