The fact that triggers are written in PL/SQL creates a lot of bad publicity for this language because, for many IT professionals, database triggers and performance issues are synonymous. Sadly, there is a lot of truth in this statement. Very few features in the Oracle realm are misused as often as are triggers. The situation…

The fact that triggers are written in PL/SQL creates a lot of bad publicity for this language because, for many IT professionals, database triggers and performance issues are synonymous. Sadly, there is a lot of truth in this statement. Very few features in the Oracle realm are misused as often as are triggers. The situation…

This talk will build out the full solution architecture block diagram showing the end-to-end stack of Oracle cloud security features for Exadata and how to use them to protect data in public, private, and hybrid clouds.  Topics will include ssh access, network firewalls and software defined networks (SDN) in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, platform firewalls (iptables),…

This talk will build out the full solution architecture block diagram showing the end-to-end stack of Oracle cloud security features for Exadata and how to use them to protect data in public, private, and hybrid clouds.  Topics will include ssh access, network firewalls and software defined networks (SDN) in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, platform firewalls (iptables),…

Learn how to keep your system up and running continuously using Oracle built-in features and do it with relative ease. Oracle options will be shown, but we will go beyond the theory and show you how these are used on a critical production system. Hear the pros and cons of practical options that can be…

Learn how to keep your system up and running continuously using Oracle built-in features and do it with relative ease. Oracle options will be shown, but we will go beyond the theory and show you how these are used on a critical production system. Hear the pros and cons of practical options that can be…

With the new Application Containers feature in Oracle Database 12c Release 2, Oracle has opened the mechanisms of the container database architecture for applications. Now in a container database application, containers can be defined and application databases can share the data model and common data. This simplifies the installation and the upgrade these applications. In this session the new feature and possible use cases are presented.

With the new Application Containers feature in Oracle Database 12c Release 2, Oracle has opened the mechanisms of the container database architecture for applications. Now in a container database application, containers can be defined and application databases can share the data model and common data. This simplifies the installation and the upgrade these applications. In this session the new feature and possible use cases are presented.

The methods used to track performance issues in SQL and PL/SQL vary based on the level of access within a system.  A developer in cooperation with a DBA, or already granted DBA privileges can has a wide variety of tools and deep visibility.  However, a user with nothing more than CREATE SESSION and SELECT privileges…

The methods used to track performance issues in SQL and PL/SQL vary based on the level of access within a system.  A developer in cooperation with a DBA, or already granted DBA privileges can has a wide variety of tools and deep visibility.  However, a user with nothing more than CREATE SESSION and SELECT privileges…