WebCenter Architecture

WebCenter Architecture

WebCenter Architecture

WebCenter Architecture

Jim Starkey has been responsible for many database innovations from the date data type to the BLOB to multi-version concurrency control (MVCC). Join us for this rare opportunity to hear Jim postulate on a new set of rules for 21st century relational databases based on the principles of emergent behavior as found in Nature. Jim…

Jim Starkey has been responsible for many database innovations from the date data type to the BLOB to multi-version concurrency control (MVCC). Join us for this rare opportunity to hear Jim postulate on a new set of rules for 21st century relational databases based on the principles of emergent behavior as found in Nature. Jim…

Jim Starkey has been responsible for many database innovations from the date data type to the BLOB to multi-version concurrency control (MVCC). Join us for this rare opportunity to hear Jim postulate on a new set of rules for 21st century relational databases based on the principles of emergent behavior as found in Nature. Jim…

Jim Starkey has been responsible for many database innovations from the date data type to the BLOB to multi-version concurrency control (MVCC). Join us for this rare opportunity to hear Jim postulate on a new set of rules for 21st century relational databases based on the principles of emergent behavior as found in Nature. Jim…

Wondering what the black box of Oracle Fusion Middleware really entails? Not sure what the difference between Oracle Fusion Middleware, Oracle Fusion Applications, cold fusion, and jazz fusion is? Come to this session for help! It gives a high-level overview of which tools are part of Oracle Fusion Middleware and briefly touches on what they…

Wondering what the black box of Oracle Fusion Middleware really entails? Not sure what the difference between Oracle Fusion Middleware, Oracle Fusion Applications, cold fusion, and jazz fusion is? Come to this session for help! It gives a high-level overview of which tools are part of Oracle Fusion Middleware and briefly touches on what they…