With companies left with the ever evolving challenge of securing their IT database environments, Red Hat steps up by providing the ability to secure your Oracle database environments with the use of Security-Enchanced Linux, most commonly known as SELinux. SELinux is a security system for linux developed by NSA with the Manadatory Access Control (MAC)…

Ever wonder what is being fixed in an Oracle Critical Patch Update? This session will provide an inside look at the Critical Patch Updates (CPU) and the security bugs fixed by the SPU and PSU patches. Understand SQL injection and buffer overflow vulnerabilities by seeing how these types of security bugs compromise the security of…

In this competitive information centric era, for any organization to be successful it is critical to protect its data and at the same time make it accessible to right people and translate it into a competitive advantage. But the question comes whom to trust with what data. Today's identity-management and access-control systems are trying to…

In this competitive information centric era, for any organization to be successful it is critical to protect its data and at the same time make it accessible to right people and translate it into a competitive advantage. But the question comes whom to trust with what data. Today's identity-management and access-control systems are trying to…

In this competitive information centric era, for any organization to be successful it is critical to protect its data and at the same time make it accessible to right people and translate it into a competitive advantage. But the question comes whom to trust with what data. Today's identity-management and access-control systems are trying to…

This presentation will look at which 12c new features should be investigated for use. Most of the features that will be covered will be related to the DBA, but there will also be a few outside that realm that focus on the developer. There will be simple examples (such as a quick example using pluggable…

The Best Oracle Database 12c Tuning Features This presentation will look at which 12c tuning features should be investigated for use. Many of the tuning features that will be covered will be related to the DBA, but there will also be a few outside that realm that focus on the developer. There will be simple…

This presentation will show the top tips when tuning your architecture using Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c. Oracle has come a long when from when they first introduced Enterprise Manager. The product continues to improve and the installation continues to get better and easier. The main focus of this presentation is to show many…

This presentation will show the top tips when tuning your architecture using Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c. Oracle has come a long when from when they first introduced Enterprise Manager. The product continues to improve and the installation continues to get better and easier. The main focus of this presentation is to show many…

This presentation will show the top tips when tuning your architecture using Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c. Oracle has come a long when from when they first introduced Enterprise Manager. The product continues to improve and the installation continues to get better and easier. The main focus of this presentation is to show many…