Surprisingly many companies continue to provide Oracle Service Name Resolution solely through the TNSNAMES.ORA file.  Whether that file resides locally or in some networked location it still remains an unstructured file with critical data needed for application connectivity.  The thought of just using simple host files and not using a DNS server in a corporate…

Analyzing data reservoirs in the brave new world of big data can be very challenging and time-consuming. What if you could quickly and easily apply sophisticated analytical functions to any data—whether it’s in Hadoop/NoSQL sources or an Oracle Database instance—using a simple declarative language you already know and love? Welcome back to SQL! This presentation…

Analyzing data reservoirs in the brave new world of big data can be very challenging and time-consuming. What if you could quickly and easily apply sophisticated analytical functions to any data—whether it’s in Hadoop/NoSQL sources or an Oracle Database instance—using a simple declarative language you already know and love? Welcome back to SQL! This presentation…

Successfully deploying and optimizing an Oracle Database environment can be a daunting task. In this session, you’ll learn about: The key ingredients for a successful Oracle Database 12c installation. A methodology to diagnose and remove performance bottlenecks by taking a closer look at the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 kernel parameters that can affect the…

Successfully deploying and optimizing an Oracle Database environment can be a daunting task. In this session, you’ll learn about: The key ingredients for a successful Oracle Database 12c installation. A methodology to diagnose and remove performance bottlenecks by taking a closer look at the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 kernel parameters that can affect the…

Oracle logical replication based on redo log mining is used by many tools such as Golden Gate, Streams and others. There are 3 fundamental principles that govern how all these replication solutions work. The 3 principles are around conversion, identification and conflicts of the replicated data.This paper explains what the 3 principles are, how they…

Oracle logical replication based on redo log mining is used by many tools such as Golden Gate, Streams and others. There are 3 fundamental principles that govern how all these replication solutions work. The 3 principles are around conversion, identification and conflicts of the replicated data.This paper explains what the 3 principles are, how they…

Oracle logical replication based on redo log mining is used by many tools such as Golden Gate, Streams and others. There are 3 fundamental principles that govern how all these replication solutions work. The 3 principles are around conversion, identification and conflicts of the replicated data.This paper explains what the 3 principles are, how they…

Oracle logical replication based on redo log mining is used by many tools such as Golden Gate, Streams and others. There are 3 fundamental principles that govern how all these replication solutions work. The 3 principles are around conversion, identification and conflicts of the replicated data.This paper explains what the 3 principles are, how they…

Oracle logical replication based on redo log mining is used by many tools such as Golden Gate, Streams and others. There are 3 fundamental principles that govern how all these replication solutions work. The 3 principles are around conversion, identification and conflicts of the replicated data.This paper explains what the 3 principles are, how they…