Get hands-on and learn the features of the Python cx_Oracle interface for Oracle Database. In this session learn efficient techniques for connection management, statement handling, and more. If you want to use Python and Oracle Database, this session is for you. Basic programming skills in any language are required.

Understanding how applications and clients communicate with databases is key to succeessful deployments. This presentation teaches the basics of the Oracle Server networking by discussing the various components of OracleNet. We will discuss the various ways to connect to the database through the network and some tips to help simplify many of the challenges Oracle networking can pose.

Understanding how applications and clients communicate with databases is key to succeessful deployments. This presentation teaches the basics of the Oracle Server networking by discussing the various components of OracleNet. We will discuss the various ways to connect to the database through the network and some tips to help simplify many of the challenges Oracle networking can pose.

Understanding database security is critical for every DBA and beginning DBAs may not have all the necessary knowledge or resources to properly secure their databases.  This session will introduce DBAs to the basics of database security and how to secure their databases by highlighting key database risks and providing resources useful in database hardening. Starting…

Understanding database security is critical for every DBA and beginning DBAs may not have all the necessary knowledge or resources to properly secure their databases.  This session will introduce DBAs to the basics of database security and how to secure their databases by highlighting key database risks and providing resources useful in database hardening. Starting…

Is sometimes difficult to quickly identify the root cause of a performance issue in the database. Automatic workload Repository (AWR) contains most of the information needed to identify these issues, but it could be overwhelming due the amount of data and statistics. Then, there's a need of a method to quickly identify if the database…

Oracle Databases are a target of cyber-attacks by hackers looking to obtain sensitive data such as credit card numbers and personally identifiable information used in identify theft.  Even though databases are not externally accessible, they are still a target as most cyber-attacks penetrate the network perimeter and look for high value targets within your internal…

Oracle Databases are a target of cyber-attacks by hackers looking to obtain sensitive data such as credit card numbers and personally identifiable information used in identify theft.  Even though databases are not externally accessible, they are still a target as most cyber-attacks penetrate the network perimeter and look for high value targets within your internal…

In just a few years, mainstream VR headsets like the Oculus are transforming the way businesses interact with computing. Virtual and Augmented Reality are key leading the way.  With new API's announced from Facebook (Oculus) and other headset vendors, the platform is opening up to business applications.  In this session, we show you how to…

One of the most common SQL Tuning problems is when the Oracle cost-based optimizer misestimates the expected number of rows that will be returned from an execution plan row source operation. This presentation delves into uncharted waters to help attendees understand strategies for dealing with cardinality misestimates.