Most BI and analytical systems deliver decision making value to their organizations when they are used to look forward into the future, not back into the past. Join us as we break down the dos and don’ts of forecasting, prediction models, and time series analysis. We’ll cover in-database calculations and models using the analytical options…

All organizations know they need to do predictive analytics to get ahead of the competition, but they want to know where to start, how to get returns quickly, and how to implement a scalable solution. The Oracle Data Mining Machine starts with an Oracle Database Appliance and adds a prebuilt advanced analytics platform solution including…

All organizations know they need to do predictive analytics to get ahead of the competition, but they want to know where to start, how to get returns quickly, and how to implement a scalable solution. The Oracle Data Mining Machine starts with an Oracle Database Appliance and adds a prebuilt advanced analytics platform solution including…

All organizations know they need to do predictive analytics to get ahead of the competition, but they want to know where to start, how to get returns quickly, and how to implement a scalable solution. The Oracle Data Mining Machine starts with an Oracle Database Appliance and adds a prebuilt advanced analytics platform solution including…

All organizations know they need to do predictive analytics to get ahead of the competition, but they want to know where to start, how to get returns quickly, and how to implement a scalable solution. The Oracle Data Mining Machine starts with an Oracle Database Appliance and adds a prebuilt advanced analytics platform solution including…

All organizations know they need to do predictive analytics to get ahead of the competition, but they want to know where to start, how to get returns quickly, and how to implement a scalable solution. The Oracle Data Mining Machine starts with an Oracle Database Appliance and adds a prebuilt advanced analytics platform solution including…

Exadata Engineered System appropriately justifies the tagline of "Hardware and Software - Engineered to work together". The engineered system perfectly fits into challenging scenarios like database consolidation and Database as a service. While multiple databases can be consolidated together, it becomes extremely important to manage the resources consumed by each of them. Exadata offers unique…

Exadata Engineered System appropriately justifies the tagline of "Hardware and Software - Engineered to work together". The engineered system perfectly fits into challenging scenarios like database consolidation and Database as a service. While multiple databases can be consolidated together, it becomes extremely important to manage the resources consumed by each of them. Exadata offers unique…

Original Broadcast: April 30th, 2015 Social media, mobile, Big Data, cloud computing and litigation concerns are driving a new “keep everything, forever” data mentality.  This is creating new opportunities  for proven storage solutions including multi-tiered storage architectures for active archiving and cold storage environments.  In these “at scale” data environments, storage efficiency is the uber…

Original Broadcast: April 30th, 2015 Social media, mobile, Big Data, cloud computing and litigation concerns are driving a new “keep everything, forever” data mentality.  This is creating new opportunities  for proven storage solutions including multi-tiered storage architectures for active archiving and cold storage environments.  In these “at scale” data environments, storage efficiency is the uber…