An Oracle User Community Cloud SIG workshop for Oracle Technology Professionals to obtain Cloud experience using Oracle Public Cloud and Oracle Technology on-premise together using their own laptop/device to accomplish work essential for their businesses & careers. Attendees learn how to setup OS secure authentication, generate a key, create a storage container to use the…

While traditional data warehouses excel at sourcing data from enterprise applications, they usually fail at handling the volume, velocity and variety of data for modern analytics applications relying on Big and Fast Data. Instead of modeling these data sources into a system that doesn't fit, let's apply a new software design pattern to analytics: microservices. Microservices are…

Management has decided to go to the Cloud. Now what? For the past couple of years, Cloud along with Big Data has become the go to buzz-word in technology circles. Cloud has moved from being a promise to reality. How do you go about migrating and integrating the traditional on-premise database to the Cloud? This…

Management has decided to go to the Cloud. Now what? For the past couple of years, Cloud along with Big Data has become the go to buzz-word in technology circles. Cloud has moved from being a promise to reality. How do you go about migrating and integrating the traditional on-premise database to the Cloud? This…

The benefits of knowing your data before embarking on a BI or big data project are endless. Sure you can buy a tool to help with this. Or you could use R, an open source tool. This session will dig into methods for using R to connect to your data source to see visual and…

After 10 years of existence the cloud industry would have you believe it is a mature stable industry that is safe and secure to take your business too. Yet the secret of the insiders in the know is Caveat Emptor, or in English Buyer Beware. We will discuss the state of the cloud today, Lessons…

After 10 years of existence the cloud industry would have you believe it is a mature stable industry that is safe and secure to take your business too. Yet the secret of the insiders in the know is Caveat Emptor, or in English Buyer Beware. We will discuss the state of the cloud today, Lessons…

There is a strong perception among ORACLE DBAs that Hadoop is a "thing" for developers. One can't use it effectively, unless he or she is is a decent Java programmer, able to write sophisticated MapReduce jobs. Nothing can be further from the truth! Hadoop is all about managing data, so, of course, it still needs…

  By introducing In-Memory column store, Oracle Database In-Memory (DBIM) significantly improves the performance for analytic queries as well as mixed workloads.  Come to this session to learn Oracle Database In Memory under the hood:  the dual format memory architecture and configuration, how the data is populated into In-Memory column store and  it helps query…