Tag: In-Memory Database

Oracle Database In-Memory is the industry-leading in-memory database technology, seamlessly accelerating analytics as well as improving mixed workload enterprise OLTP applications on databases of any size. Join Oracle Product Management to learn how to get started with Database In-Memory, how to identify which objects to populate in memory, how to identify which indexes to drop,…

Oracle recently announced the availability of the Oracle Database In-Memory option, a memory-optimized database technology that transparently adds real-time analytics to applications. Because the In-Memory option is 100% compatible with existing Oracle Database applications, it’s easy to integrate it into your environment and to begin reaping the benefits. But how do you get started with…

Oracle Database In-Memory is one of the most fascinating new database options in a long time, promising an incredible performance boast for analytics. This presentation provides a step-by-step guide on when and where you should take advantage of Database In-Memory, as well as outlining strategies to help you ensure you get the promised performance boast…

This is an extended broadcast. Attendees should plan to participate in at least one hour of broadcast; the second hour will support more interactive Q&A with speakers. Oracle Database In-Memory is the industry-leading in-memory database technology, accelerating analytics by orders of magnitude as well as improving hybrid OLTP applications. This session provides an overview of…

Run Live Business by Integrating Data from Any Source with In-Memory Platform October 26, 2016, 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. CT Today’s digital technologies are enabling new business models and creating new business opportunities to growth revenue. But the majority of the traditional businesses are not agile enough to act in the moment because they…

Oracle Database In-Memory introduces a new in-memory columnar format that is compatible with all existing applications. This session will explore how Database In-Memory enables "Real-Time Analytics" by allowing analytic style queries to be run directly on source data. It will also explore the key performance enhancing features of Database In-Memory including in-memory scans, predicate push down, hash joins with bloom filters, vector group by aggregation, and new high-performance features like In-Memory Expressions and Join Groups.

There’s an onslaught of Big Data coming to our IT shops - zettabytes of it! – but instead of your application developers struggling to learn new languages and techniques to analyze it, why not leverage Oracle Database 18c? This session will demonstrate how to tackle handling the coming Big Data tidal wave with the best…