Tag: Enterprise Linux

This session covers the Oracle FMW products that run on Linux on System z. It describes in detail experiences with installing and tuning WebLogic 10.3. on Linux on System z.

This session covers the Oracle FMW products that run on Linux on System z. It describes in detail experiences with installing and tuning WebLogic 10.3. on Linux on System z.

This session highlights the user community status and direction in support of Oracle customer using Oracle products on System Z. This session will also include System Z user group status and direction, Linux on System Z direction, and Oracle's current status in support of Linux on System Z.

This session highlights the user community status and direction in support of Oracle customer using Oracle products on System Z. This session will also include System Z user group status and direction, Linux on System Z direction, and Oracle's current status in support of Linux on System Z.

This session covers migration from any other platform to System z. Also covered are adjustments on the Linux box for best performance and changes to the source system which will ensure a smooth migration

This session covers migration from any other platform to System z. Also covered are adjustments on the Linux box for best performance and changes to the source system which will ensure a smooth migration

The speaker will principally be addressing and sharing direct experience on Linux on System Z with customers: "The more I share what we know - the fewer SRs I get" An update on the OSDI (Operating System Dependent Interface) for Oracle on z/OS will also be included.

This session will focus on Oracle's support of Oracle running on Linux on System Z and also include technical tips.

This session will focus on Oracle's support of Oracle running on Linux on System Z and also include technical tips.

The speaker will principally be addressing and sharing direct experience on Linux on System Z with customers: "The more I share what we know - the fewer SRs I get" An update on the OSDI (Operating System Dependent Interface) for Oracle on z/OS will also be included.