Tag: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Supply Chain Planning

This session will review manufacturing activity rules functionality and explain and demonstrate the added capability to write and review history records in the new Work Order Master, Parts List, and Routing Ledger tables.

Nov 21 @  1:00pm

  Poor maintenance strategies can substantially affect operational efficiencies and profitability. To be competitive, companies need to minimize unplanned downtime and optimize maintenance costs. Industry 4.0 capabilities enable companies to monitor their assets in real time, integrate data from many different sources, analyze and translate that data into meaningful insights and automatically turn those insights…

Nov 21 @  1:00pm

  Poor maintenance strategies can substantially affect operational efficiencies and profitability. To be competitive, companies need to minimize unplanned downtime and optimize maintenance costs. Industry 4.0 capabilities enable companies to monitor their assets in real time, integrate data from many different sources, analyze and translate that data into meaningful insights and automatically turn those insights…

In today's consumer landscape, many Millennials are more concerned than ever with supporting brands whose business practices have a positive impact on the environment, employees, and the regions from which they source their materials. People want organic, grass-fed goods when they shop. Accenture's 2018 global consumer pulse report surveyed over 30,000 consumers to find out why they purchase certain brands over another. The results showed an emphasis on what a brand says, does, and stands for, which is why Oracle Chief Sustainability Officer Jon Chorley explained that transparent supply chains improve brand integrity and ultimately get people to shop from that brand.

In today's consumer landscape, many Millennials are more concerned than ever with supporting brands whose business practices have a positive impact on the environment, employees, and the regions from which they source their materials. People want organic, grass-fed goods when they shop. Accenture's 2018 global consumer pulse report surveyed over 30,000 consumers to find out why they purchase certain brands over another. The results showed an emphasis on what a brand says, does, and stands for, which is why Oracle Chief Sustainability Officer Jon Chorley explained that transparent supply chains improve brand integrity and ultimately get people to shop from that brand.

105180 Discover the Hidden Gem of Supplemental Data Presented at INFOCUS 19 Is there additional information that you'd like to store in JDE but there is no place for it? Do you find yourself using multiple tools to review all of the information that you need?  Look no further, JDE offers supplmental data in 9…

105180 Discover the Hidden Gem of Supplemental Data Presented at INFOCUS 19 Is there additional information that you'd like to store in JDE but there is no place for it? Do you find yourself using multiple tools to review all of the information that you need?  Look no further, JDE offers supplmental data in 9…

100770 Presented at INFOCUS 19 This JDE E1 Tech SIG is sponsoring a panel of experts for the audience to ask questions to about Orchestrator.  We will talk about uses for the Orchestrator. Come join us for this JDE E1 Technology SIG session and see if you can stump our panel!Presented by Diane Miller, Ahlstrom-Munksjö

Joyce Boland, Oracle's Vice President of Applications Global Marketing, wrote about Oracle CEO Mark Hurd's thoughts on the new wave of supply chain automation that is coming in today's workforce.