Tag: EnterpriseOne Financials

Over the last 3 months students at Kansas State University College of Business have been learning about JD Edwards in a new pilot awareness college course.

"When manufacturing and selling products, keeping track of and accounting for all of your costs is extremely important.

"When manufacturing and selling products, keeping track of and accounting for all of your costs is extremely important.

"When manufacturing and selling products, keeping track of and accounting for all of your costs is extremely important.

"When manufacturing and selling products, keeping track of and accounting for all of your costs is extremely important.

"When manufacturing and selling products, keeping track of and accounting for all of your costs is extremely important.

85% of ERP projects fail to meet stated goals and business value. The reason? Failure to properly integrate people, business and technology into one purposeful framework and ensure effective transition of the organization.

85% of ERP projects fail to meet stated goals and business value. The reason? Failure to properly integrate people, business and technology into one purposeful framework and ensure effective transition of the organization.

"Apply that to Production… Wait!!! Did you test that? Where is that on the test plan? What are the results? What were we expecting?"

"Apply that to Production… Wait!!! Did you test that? Where is that on the test plan? What are the results? What were we expecting?"