Tag: EnterpriseOne Financials

Recorded at COLLABORATE 19

Session: 104950

Agnico Eagle has remote mining operations around the globe. They needed to extend their custom JDE inventory applications to provide mobile solutions to use both online at their sites, as well as for offline use deep under ground within a mine. Join Agnico and ERP-One Consulting as they discuss how you can successfully extend E1 with mobile capabilities.

Presented by Martin Bilodeau, Agnico Eagle Mines

Recorded at COLLABORATE 19

Session: 104420

User-Defined Objects (UDOs) is the newest term for existing UI configuration like Grid Formats, CafeOne, and E1 Pages, but also encompasses newer, emerging technologies like Form Personalization and Orchestrator. But in order for "U" to "DO" - you have to know where to start, and you have to have access. Let's explore where UDOs live, how you work with them (hello, Web OMW!), their unique security, and what setup is required to begin. Consider this session your pre-requisite for all those Orchestrator, Composed Pages, and Form Personalization sessions on your agenda, and get the foundation and setup out of the way so YOU can start DO-ing. Bonus checklist included! Presented by EmeraldCube, a Syntax Company.

Presented by Sarah Mills, EmeraldCube Solutions

With the application of FASB ASC 845 and IFRS 16 Leases, businesses face the challenge of updating system processes in order to satisfy new accounting standards. The FASB ASC 845 and IFRS 16 Leases standards were administered for the purpose of providing investors and creditors with more transparency into long-term leases.

With the application of FASB ASC 845 and IFRS 16 Leases, businesses face the challenge of updating system processes in order to satisfy new accounting standards. The FASB ASC 845 and IFRS 16 Leases standards were administered for the purpose of providing investors and creditors with more transparency into long-term leases.