Tag: Database

As the complexities of Oracle solutions continue to grow, providing IT environments a simplified way to automate key processes of software delivery and changes within IT infrastructure is of utmost importance. With the use of containers, system administrators, database administrators, and software developers can take advantage of delivering Oracle databases and their closely tied applications…

Joins, sorts and other temp operations are commonly the top performance bottleneck for well-tuned data warehouse and mixed workload databases. Exadata, by default, does not optimize these operations and Smart Flash Cache is not yet used for temp. This session presents a case study of how Amway and Centroid worked together to maximize join and…

It's truly a Mash-up World, and it wouldn't be possible without API's. API's are the front gateway to the outside world for Mobile and Cloud integration.  API Management tools are available to allow organizations to create, deploy, and manage API's for an integrated Application ecosystem.  We'll discuss what makes API's different from SOA and ESB’s,…

Joins, sorts and other temp operations are commonly the top performance bottleneck for well-tuned data warehouse and mixed workload databases. Exadata, by default, does not optimize these operations and Smart Flash Cache is not yet used for temp. This session presents a case study of how Amway and Centroid worked together to maximize join and…

Joins, sorts and other temp operations are commonly the top performance bottleneck for well-tuned data warehouse and mixed workload databases. Exadata, by default, does not optimize these operations and Smart Flash Cache is not yet used for temp. This session presents a case study of how Amway and Centroid worked together to maximize join and…

Joins, sorts and other temp operations are commonly the top performance bottleneck for well-tuned data warehouse and mixed workload databases. Exadata, by default, does not optimize these operations and Smart Flash Cache is not yet used for temp. This session presents a case study of how Amway and Centroid worked together to maximize join and…

It's truly a Mash-up World, and it wouldn't be possible without API's. API's are the front gateway to the outside world for Mobile and Cloud integration.  API Management tools are available to allow organizations to create, deploy, and manage API's for an integrated Application ecosystem.  We'll discuss what makes API's different from SOA and ESB’s,…

Joins, sorts and other temp operations are commonly the top performance bottleneck for well-tuned data warehouse and mixed workload databases. Exadata, by default, does not optimize these operations and Smart Flash Cache is not yet used for temp. This session presents a case study of how Amway and Centroid worked together to maximize join and…

It's truly a Mash-up World, and it wouldn't be possible without API's. API's are the front gateway to the outside world for Mobile and Cloud integration.  API Management tools are available to allow organizations to create, deploy, and manage API's for an integrated Application ecosystem.  We'll discuss what makes API's different from SOA and ESB’s,…

Ever wonder why you can spin-up an Oracle Database environment from a public cloud provider in mere minutes yet it takes days to provision and configure one internally? Oracle database provisioning and management using DevOps style processes may seem like mixing oil & water but it doesn't have to be that way.  In fact it's…