Tag: Database

Have you ever experienced an unexpected rush of users on the system which almost ground it to a halt? Have you ever had to approach management with a request for more resources due to poor performance in tight budget times?  This presentation will discuss how to potentially avoid these situations in advance though load testing. …

Have you ever experienced an unexpected rush of users on the system which almost ground it to a halt? Have you ever had to approach management with a request for more resources due to poor performance in tight budget times?  This presentation will discuss how to potentially avoid these situations in advance though load testing. …

Have you ever experienced an unexpected rush of users on the system which almost ground it to a halt? Have you ever had to approach management with a request for more resources due to poor performance in tight budget times?  This presentation will discuss how to potentially avoid these situations in advance though load testing. …

SQL Tuning is a Science. SQL Tuning is an Art. You may have heard both claims. SQL Tuning can indeed be a complex task requiring the use of some attributes of both brain hemispheres: Analytical Thinking and Creativity. If we want to enhance our SQL Tuning skills we may need then to take them both…

SQL Tuning is a Science. SQL Tuning is an Art. You may have heard both claims. SQL Tuning can indeed be a complex task requiring the use of some attributes of both brain hemispheres: Analytical Thinking and Creativity. If we want to enhance our SQL Tuning skills we may need then to take them both…

SQL Tuning is a Science. SQL Tuning is an Art. You may have heard both claims. SQL Tuning can indeed be a complex task requiring the use of some attributes of both brain hemispheres: Analytical Thinking and Creativity. If we want to enhance our SQL Tuning skills we may need then to take them both…

SQL Tuning is a Science. SQL Tuning is an Art. You may have heard both claims. SQL Tuning can indeed be a complex task requiring the use of some attributes of both brain hemispheres: Analytical Thinking and Creativity. If we want to enhance our SQL Tuning skills we may need then to take them both…

      Most everyone knows an Oracle wallet is a password-protected container that can store authentication credentials, including traditional database passwords and PKI certificates, but did you know some of the slick ways in which an Oracle wallet can be leveraged?  Most people use wallets to store PKI credentials, but if you use it…

      Most everyone knows an Oracle wallet is a password-protected container that can store authentication credentials, including traditional database passwords and PKI certificates, but did you know some of the slick ways in which an Oracle wallet can be leveraged?  Most people use wallets to store PKI credentials, but if you use it…

Demystify the world's 4th most popular Database engine!  If you don't support MongoDB now, chances are that you will in the future. This session will explain the basic concepts of MongoDB in terms that an Oracle DBA will readily understand. It will also review how to install and administer MongoDB, and give some simple DML…