Tag: Database

In this day and age, for many organizations, data is not only crossing into the hundreds of terabytes, but into the nearpetabyte (PB) and multi-petabyte range. Data is streaming into, out of, and through enterprises from a dizzying array of sources—transactions, remote devices, partner sites, websites, and non-stop user-generated content. Not only are the data…

As the era of "Big Data" marches on unabated, data is coming from an ever wider range of sources, including transactional systems, mobile devices, sensors, streaming media, and social networks. Businesses are looking for innovative ways to better leverage terabytes—and for some, petabytes—of information. This has placed tremendous pressure on IT departments to deliver database…

If you look at 10 modern systems you are likely to see 10 different architectures. Oracle is promoting the JavaEE based ADF; many users are moving to Oracle’s Application Express and the rest of us are still running on Oracle Forms and wishing there was an easy alternative. Outside of Oracle, everyone seems to be…

If you look at 10 modern systems you are likely to see 10 different architectures. Oracle is promoting the JavaEE based ADF; many users are moving to Oracle’s Application Express and the rest of us are still running on Oracle Forms and wishing there was an easy alternative. Outside of Oracle, everyone seems to be…

Oracle Application Express is an incredibly powerful tool that allows users with little development experience to create reports and applications quickly. If you've never used Apex before, this presentation will give you the basics of Apex and turn you into an confident Apex developer all in one hour.