Tag: Database

Oracle has lots of metrics, many can be confusing.  Lets walk through a few examples of some specific Oracle metrics and discuss what the mean.  Don’t have a statistics background, no problem.  I’ll try to put these examples into plain common English.  DBA’s need to use Oracle statistics properly to help make important decisions about…

Migrating to a newer Oracle Database Version doesn’t have to be confined to a single outage period.   Several interim steps can be done ahead to certain compatible components saving valuable time.  In a general sense Oracle is backwards compatible for making that transition from an earlier version to a later one. This session will cover…

Migrating to a newer Oracle Database Version doesn’t have to be confined to a single outage period.   Several interim steps can be done ahead to certain compatible components saving valuable time.  In a general sense Oracle is backwards compatible for making that transition from an earlier version to a later one. This session will cover…

Migrating to a newer Oracle Database Version doesn’t have to be confined to a single outage period.   Several interim steps can be done ahead to certain compatible components saving valuable time.  In a general sense Oracle is backwards compatible for making that transition from an earlier version to a later one. This session will cover…

Migrating to a newer Oracle Database Version doesn’t have to be confined to a single outage period.   Several interim steps can be done ahead to certain compatible components saving valuable time.  In a general sense Oracle is backwards compatible for making that transition from an earlier version to a later one. This session will cover…

Oracle 12c (12.1) has been out for quite a while now, but it wasn’t until March of last year (2017) that Oracle 12.2 became available for the public to download.  In this presentation, Janis Griffin, database performance evangelist, SolarWinds, will deep dive into several of the new features that are considered some of her favorites. …

Oracle 12c (12.1) has been out for quite a while now, but it wasn’t until March of last year (2017) that Oracle 12.2 became available for the public to download.  In this presentation, Janis Griffin, database performance evangelist, SolarWinds, will deep dive into several of the new features that are considered some of her favorites. …

With unprotected assets in plain sight, it's no wonder hackers seek to steal sensitive data from databases. Exploiting common vulnerabilities such as unpatched systems, overprivileged accounts, insecure database configurations, stolen passwords, and unencrypted data is a quick place to start. However, knowing the mind of a hacker can better help create a blueprint for protecting…

With unprotected assets in plain sight, it's no wonder hackers seek to steal sensitive data from databases. Exploiting common vulnerabilities such as unpatched systems, overprivileged accounts, insecure database configurations, stolen passwords, and unencrypted data is a quick place to start. However, knowing the mind of a hacker can better help create a blueprint for protecting…

Oracle Database recently switched to a new annual release model, and Oracle Database 18c will be the first release in this new model. This session is a unique opportunity to get ahead of the curve and learn what's new in Oracle Database 18c directly from the Oracle Database development team.