Tag: Database

A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link. Your database may be locked down, your VPN is solid, and your network is monitored 24/7 for intrusions. But are you safe? Not really... unless your entire development team has a fundamental grasp of how even the most secure system can become vulnerable because of…

You definitely heard about it, may be saw some demos and, perhaps even dabbled a little and nowyou want to know more about it. This session explains what RAC is to theuninitiated starting with the multi-instance model. It goes on to explain whatis actually meant by terms like cache fusion, interconnect, Virtual IP, publicIP, LMS…

You definitely heard about it, may be saw some demos and, perhaps even dabbled a little and nowyou want to know more about it. This session explains what RAC is to theuninitiated starting with the multi-instance model. It goes on to explain whatis actually meant by terms like cache fusion, interconnect, Virtual IP, publicIP, LMS…

Reproducing true production load in its test environments hasbeen an ongoing challenge for Boeing. Not only does it take huge amountscomputing resources to build production-sized test environments but developingsimulation scripts using traditional tools like LoadRunner is costing Boeinghundreds of man-hours. Database Replay enables Boeing to test Oracle upgrades andpatches, database parameter changes, OS upgrades and…

You definitely heard about it, may be saw some demos and, perhaps even dabbled a little and nowyou want to know more about it. This session explains what RAC is to theuninitiated starting with the multi-instance model. It goes on to explain whatis actually meant by terms like cache fusion, interconnect, Virtual IP, publicIP, LMS…

You definitely heard about it, may be saw some demos and, perhaps even dabbled a little and nowyou want to know more about it. This session explains what RAC is to theuninitiated starting with the multi-instance model. It goes on to explain whatis actually meant by terms like cache fusion, interconnect, Virtual IP, publicIP, LMS…

Reproducing true production load in its test environments hasbeen an ongoing challenge for Boeing. Not only does it take huge amountscomputing resources to build production-sized test environments but developingsimulation scripts using traditional tools like LoadRunner is costing Boeinghundreds of man-hours. Database Replay enables Boeing to test Oracle upgrades andpatches, database parameter changes, OS upgrades and…

Reproducing true production load in its test environments hasbeen an ongoing challenge for Boeing. Not only does it take huge amountscomputing resources to build production-sized test environments but developingsimulation scripts using traditional tools like LoadRunner is costing Boeinghundreds of man-hours. Database Replay enables Boeing to test Oracle upgrades andpatches, database parameter changes, OS upgrades and…

Reproducing true production load in its test environments hasbeen an ongoing challenge for Boeing. Not only does it take huge amountscomputing resources to build production-sized test environments but developingsimulation scripts using traditional tools like LoadRunner is costing Boeinghundreds of man-hours. Database Replay enables Boeing to test Oracle upgrades andpatches, database parameter changes, OS upgrades and…

Reproducing true production load in its test environments hasbeen an ongoing challenge for Boeing. Not only does it take huge amountscomputing resources to build production-sized test environments but developingsimulation scripts using traditional tools like LoadRunner is costing Boeinghundreds of man-hours. Database Replay enables Boeing to test Oracle upgrades andpatches, database parameter changes, OS upgrades and…