Tag: Database

Product Management is widely used terminology and practice within technology companies. PM Organization is business management at the product, product line and product portfolio level. They are responsible for making sure that their product really works as designed. In this session you will see how this concept has been implemented in non-technology company and the…

Databases do not run in vacuum. Clients and application servers connect to the database, databases connect to storage systems and to each other. All those systems communicate through TCP/IP networks. Quirks on the network level will have a profound effect on the availability and performance of your database.Can you diagnose those problems? What do you…

Co-presented with a client, GL Associates presents effective strategies for companies to improve their financial reporting through a well-designed chart of accounts. Common reporting challenges are identified, proven practices are presented, and real-life case studies are discussed. Attendees also will learn about viewing the COA in the context of master data management and utilizing the…

Over the past five years there are three major trends that seem to be molding the future of the Oracle database. The first is the adoption of clustering and an accelerating trend toward grid computing. The second is a movement toward Linux for smaller and mid-sized systems. The third is the pendulum swing first toward…

Modern organizational structures are volatile, disparate and complex due to economic upheaval, boomer exits, technology infusion and global business trends. The result is a population and a workforce that is trying to work and function while riding a tsunami of change and information influx. This presentation discusses a recent study of the impacts of these…

Although real-time Business Intelligence and OLTP applications have drastically different response time requirements, both require real-time response to the applications. Flash storage and in-memory database technology are used to improve application response time and throughput. Neither technology is a substitute for the other. Come learn how in-memory database technology complements your storage selection to accelerate…

Modern organizational structures are volatile, disparate and complex due to economic upheaval, boomer exits, technology infusion and global business trends. The result is a population and a workforce that is trying to work and function while riding a tsunami of change and information influx. This presentation discusses a recent study of the impacts of these…

Over the past five years there are three major trends that seem to be molding the future of the Oracle database. The first is the adoption of clustering and an accelerating trend toward grid computing. The second is a movement toward Linux for smaller and mid-sized systems. The third is the pendulum swing first toward…

Over the past five years there are three major trends that seem to be molding the future of the Oracle database. The first is the adoption of clustering and an accelerating trend toward grid computing. The second is a movement toward Linux for smaller and mid-sized systems. The third is the pendulum swing first toward…

Founded by two high school students in 2005, myYearbook.com has grown to become one of the top 5 social networks and one of the top 25 most trafficked web sites in the United States. In the face of such growth and large traffic volumes, we continually face technical challenges in achieving operational stability. In this…