Tag: Database

Session Highlights - Oracle CPU patches address security issues - Many compliance requirements mandate it but, Patch application downtime, risk, labor cost - So, many sites do not apply the CPU patch, or delay it - Can you do something so that either: these patches wouldn’t be necessary? or, not applying the patch will not…

What does it take to make the database secure, to comply with regulations and mandates like SOX and PCI? You may be amazed to know that by taking some simple steps you can perform in a single day, you can attain 60% of the requirements and make your database a secure place, as you will…

Would you like to gain insight into your workflows in WebCenter Content? Come learn how a custom component was designed and built to report on WebCenter Content workflow history in a configurable fashion at Emerson. We will discuss architecture, features, hurdles, limitations, and the final outcome; including a demonstration of the final product.

How do you design an OLTP system that handles terrabytes of data and needs to scale 200% per year ? Or 200% per month ? By the way, all queries still need to respond in subseconds. And no, your budget is not unlimited. Enter Database sharding - the art of splitting data into manageable chunks,…

How do you design an OLTP system that handles terrabytes of data and needs to scale 200% per year ? Or 200% per month ? By the way, all queries still need to respond in subseconds. And no, your budget is not unlimited. Enter Database sharding - the art of splitting data into manageable chunks,…

Credit card data breaches are headline news, thus organizations must properly protect credit card data or risk being tomorrow's headline. If an Oracle Database "stores, processes, or transmits credit card numbers", it must comply with all the requirements of the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard (DSS) regardless of size or transaction volume. This…

Over the past five years there are three major trends that seem to be molding the future of the Oracle database. The first is the adoption of clustering and an accelerating trend toward grid computing. The second is a movement toward Linux for smaller and mid-sized systems. The third is the pendulum swing first toward…

Although real-time Business Intelligence and OLTP applications have drastically different response time requirements, both require real-time response to the applications. Flash storage and in-memory database technology are used to improve application response time and throughput. Neither technology is a substitute for the other. Come learn how in-memory database technology complements your storage selection to accelerate…

Application DBA plays a very important role in Agile development project. In addition to the regular DBA tasks, he/she need to activiely invovled in the project, attending daily status meeting, get better estimate on the tasks and be very proactive. Real experiences and lessions leanred as application DBA in the Agile development will be explained…

Founded by two high school students in 2005, myYearbook.com has grown to become one of the top 5 social networks and one of the top 25 most trafficked web sites in the United States. In the face of such growth and large traffic volumes, we continually face technical challenges in achieving operational stability. In this…