Tag: Database

Nov 13 @  3:30pm

  Oracle Database 19c has hundreds of powerful features that help secure your data, and new capabilities are added with every release. In this session join Oracle product managers to discover 10 security features you may not be aware of. These features can help you streamline user administration, reduce your attack surface, deploy more-secure applications,…

Nov 13 @  3:30pm

Since 2016, Nationwide has leveraged Oracle Enterprise Manager's Fleet Maintenance feature to effectively and proactively patch its Oracle Database environment to address critical vulnerabilities and maintain version currency. In this session learn how Nationwide used Oracle Enterprise Manager's Fleet Maintenance feature to patch more than 7,000 databases over a three-year period, with a success rate…

Nov 13 @  3:30pm

Powerful Machine Learning (ML) is upon us. As Oracle DBAs, it is now our turn to leverage ML, enabling us to do things never before possible. But it's not that simple. So, in this presentation I'm going to introduce you to the world of ML from a DBA perspective. This includes understanding what ML is,…

Nov 13 @  2:00pm

  This session answers the question, “What’s new in Oracle Database 19c?” in a slightly different way: by providing best practices and a deep dive into the most impactful high availability (HA), scalability, and lifecycle management features in Oracle Database 12c, 18c and 19c, including a short roadmap of features yet to come in the…

Nov 13 @  2:00pm

A number of polls taken during various PL/SQL-related presentations paint a very strange picture: one of the most-critical FREE server-side performance-tuning tools is almost totally unknown! If you ask basic questions such as, “How much time is spent on routine A?” or “How often is function B called?” most developers would start to hand-code their…

Nov 13 @  2:00pm

  This session answers the question, “What’s new in Oracle Database 19c?” in a slightly different way: by providing best practices and a deep dive into the most impactful high availability (HA), scalability, and lifecycle management features in Oracle Database 12c, 18c and 19c, including a short roadmap of features yet to come in the…

Nov 13 @  2:00pm

Imagine being able to prove a performance problem is not a database issue. There are few ways to infer the problem resides elsewhere, but it's difficult for people to believe you. However, by creatively using ASH data and the idle wait event "SQL*Net message from client" we can do this. In this presentation, I will…

Nov 13 @  2:00pm

A number of polls taken during various PL/SQL-related presentations paint a very strange picture: one of the most-critical FREE server-side performance-tuning tools is almost totally unknown! If you ask basic questions such as, “How much time is spent on routine A?” or “How often is function B called?” most developers would start to hand-code their…

Nov 13 @  12:30pm

  Oracle Database 19c is the long-term support release for the Oracle Database 12c and Oracle Database 18c family, and many customers are actively planning their upgrades. This session from the Oracle Database Upgrade development team gives you the inside scoop on how upgrade has evolved (especially if your last upgrade was to Learn…

Nov 13 @  12:30pm

Anyone who’s familiar with tuning SQL knows that you need to get the execution plan for a query. But once you’ve got an execution plan, what do you do with it? Everyone understands that an execution plan is important for diagnosing, but almost no one knows how to answer questions like “which step in the…