Tag: Database


Oracle's Database Machine

From the Editor

Welcome to the Q1 issue of SELECT Journal! After wrapping up anothersuccessful year here at the IOUG SELECT Journal, I would like to thankeveryone involved with this fine publication: Our authors, the reviewers, thededicated volunteer team of editors, the hard working staff at the IOUG HQand last but not least, the object of our efforts…

From the Editor

Welcome to the Q1 issue of SELECT Journal! After wrapping up anothersuccessful year here at the IOUG SELECT Journal, I would like to thankeveryone involved with this fine publication: Our authors, the reviewers, thededicated volunteer team of editors, the hard working staff at the IOUG HQand last but not least, the object of our efforts…

Burleson describes the approach taken to broad brush SQL tuning in Oracle Database 11g,and describes how we got here by providing a brief history of performance-related additionsin each new Oracle version.

Burleson describes the approach taken to broad brush SQL tuning in Oracle Database 11g,and describes how we got here by providing a brief history of performance-related additionsin each new Oracle version.

This article explores instrumenting applications to run on Oracle databases and makes afirst pass at defining an instrumentation framework. It also passes along some guidelinesthe author has learned while instrumenting Oracle-based applications.

This article explores instrumenting applications to run on Oracle databases and makes afirst pass at defining an instrumentation framework. It also passes along some guidelinesthe author has learned while instrumenting Oracle-based applications.

In his article, Kerber explores the current status of Solid State Disk technologies with respectto Oracle databases and looks at ways of incorporating SSD into Oracle-based environments.

In his article, Kerber explores the current status of Solid State Disk technologies with respectto Oracle databases and looks at ways of incorporating SSD into Oracle-based environments.

Using examples, Morton examines whether the SQL Tuning Advisor is helpful or not. She citesexamples and walks the reader through the various functions of the tool.