Tag: Database

Norris introduces Real Application Clusters (RAC) to beginner DBAs by providingunderstanding about how RAC works.

Norris introduces Real Application Clusters (RAC) to beginner DBAs by providingunderstanding about how RAC works.


Solid State Drives and SQLTEXPLAIN


Solid State Drives and SQLTEXPLAIN

From the Editor

Welcome to the first issue of SELECT Journal for this decade! Thanks to our authors, editors, reviewers and HQ staff, as well as you, the IOUG members, we have completed another successful year here at the IOUG SELECT Journal. As we start this year and this decade, we believe it will be a good one…

From the Editor

Welcome to the first issue of SELECT Journal for this decade! Thanks to our authors, editors, reviewers and HQ staff, as well as you, the IOUG members, we have completed another successful year here at the IOUG SELECT Journal. As we start this year and this decade, we believe it will be a good one…

NLS Examples

In the second article in a series on NLS data, Gary expands on common misconceptions about NLS data, shows common error message encountered with corrupt NLS data, and provides some methods to view and understand NLS data in the Oracle database.

NLS Examples

In the second article in a series on NLS data, Gary expands on common misconceptions about NLS data, shows common error message encountered with corrupt NLS data, and provides some methods to view and understand NLS data in the Oracle database.

This article is part two of a three-part series on Web services. In this part, Chris discussesconsuming Web services in an Oracle database.

This article is part two of a three-part series on Web services. In this part, Chris discussesconsuming Web services in an Oracle database.